Plotting Post: The Cause of Tooth Decay

Nov 26, 2011 07:58

Passengers of the barge, you have been infested! Infested with what, you might ask…well, the answer is FAIRIES! Well, you might think, that doesn’t seem like a bad thing. Fairies are happy little creatures, aren’t they? They’re helpful and silly and maybe just a little playful.

Oh no. Not these fairies. A better term for them might be “goblins with wings.” They might be fun to look at, but you’ll only get a quick glance before they’re in your face, tying your shoelaces together, dropping books on the floor and otherwise making giant nuisances of themselves. They also contain a bit of light spells, which can make you start barking like a dog, shrink you temporarily down to the size of a doll or any number of harmless, mischievous tricks.

They will last from Sunday and will disappear on Monday, after mod announcements. You can have your character react to them by trying to kill them, capture them or any number of things, but the more than you fight back against them, the more that will show up. Just when you think you’ve got them all, more will appear out of nowhere, only to thwart your efforts.

As far as tricks go, we will leave that completely up to you. They must be harmless, they must be temporary and they must be something that wouldn’t involve too much magical effort. Knocking things over is fine. However, physically beating someone with a book is not. If you have a question, feel free to ask, but we really are giving you guys a lot of freedom on this!

Use this post for any plotting you wish to do or any questions/comments you have!

flood, plot

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