Plotting Post: Land of the Dead

Nov 13, 2011 18:46

PORT: Land of the Dead
Dates: 11/17-11/20

No, sorry, zombie enthusiasts, this isn't actually a George Romero port. What's actually happening is this:

We're visiting an afterlife. Specifically, this afterlife:

Cut for Youtubes )

plot development thread, port

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TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD im_sid November 13 2011, 03:49:48 UTC
Okay, so I was kind of vague about the explosion/takedown because I wanted to hash out details/gauge interest and see how it was likely to go before deciding ( ... )


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD im_sid November 13 2011, 14:45:59 UTC
Haha, WELL, an argument from total self interest could be effective with Rex, since that's basically how he operates, too, so it's easier for him to relate to it than "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!" type arguments, which just make him go "lol i don't care, science." AND BONUS: Rex will have a moment of accidental empathy if he listens to Narvin, so, PROGRESS.

But I'd probably touch base with Locke and Vasilia (and Seven? IDK how active in the actual takedown he'll be) to see what's what, since they're the other talky-types getting involved. AND DICK. Who I think will be leading the effort and will try talking?


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD timesbureaucrat November 13 2011, 19:34:51 UTC
Oh, hey, there are more talky people than I thought! (This is what I get for posting late while tired and slow and short of memory.) Looks like there's more than enough and the addition of Narvin would just make threads more unwieldy, so I will back out.


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD im_sid November 13 2011, 19:37:07 UTC
If you want, we can do a thread after port where Narvin basically confronts him on this stuff? Rex is coming at this from an angle of "No wardens' deals are more important than all the screwed up torture I ALL THE POOOOOR INMATES have to go through," which is how he's justifying basically screwing all of them over by wrecking the Barge. So I think Narvin talking to him about all he could have lost if Rex actually succeeded will really make him start looking at things less selfishly.


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD timesbureaucrat November 13 2011, 19:42:23 UTC
Oo, that would be excellent, yes!


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD im_sid November 13 2011, 19:51:07 UTC
Hooray! I'm excited for this.


PERRY TAKEDOWN im_sid November 13 2011, 15:01:44 UTC


will need to arrive for the Perry takedown, although his arrival will be slightly delayed so that I don't have him and Rex in the same place at the same time. So, he'll make it there once Rex is off elsewhere being talked down.

I figure Perry will already be fighting with at least Blonsky, AND I ASSUME OTHERS? Arthur will try to break up the fight and talk Perry down, since hey, that's his inmate.


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD justareverie November 14 2011, 15:10:14 UTC

Just confirming I'm interested. C: He's both physically capable (no shiny powers but oh wall |:) and the talking down type. EITHER WAYS HE WON'T BE VERY HAPPY


Re: TEAM TAKEDOWN THREAD im_sid November 14 2011, 16:36:10 UTC
Excellent! I figure John and Dick will be the leads on this, so do you and Gwen have anything in particular you want to hash out while we're still in the plotting phase? Rex is A MASSIVE WEENIE, so he's really easy to take down once the heavy hitters (Perry and Ana-- Kim's schedule permitting) are taken care of. After he's caught, I'd definitely prefer it if they tried to talk him down instead of just punch him and take the kill switch (and if you guys want to go with the talking, I can say that he programmed a code into the kill switch so that random interlopers can't stop his nanomites), since he'd get a lot more character development through talking-- BUT! If you guys want to just beat him up, I'm down for that, too.


thegooddrjones November 15 2011, 16:53:33 UTC
I should be around for this for sure. I've got funerally stuff Friday and Saturday, but Thursday night I'm free.


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