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Comments 162

3AM - INFIRMARY RAID ifightfor October 18 2011, 01:22:46 UTC
[The first stop Rinzler made before starting his patrol was the infirmary. He'd had a bad encounter with CES-spawned terrain the previous evening and his usual tactic of "wait for it to stop bleeding; business as usual" had not proven effective in the case of his slashed-up hands. Hopefully someone would be in at this hour and able to do something about the fact he was still sluggish bleeding on ... everything.]


Re: 3AM - INFIRMARY RAID - you can has two of my fellas. :D iam_aghost October 18 2011, 08:48:50 UTC
Caesares was both awake and in, and upon seeing Rinzler - who was hard to mistake at any rate - come in, he got to his feet and walked over. "Can I help you, Mr Rinzler?"


3AM - INFIRMARY RAID - eee :D ifightfor October 19 2011, 01:28:38 UTC
[Rinzler had been quietly examining the various medical supplies as he worked his gloves off; his attention snapped to Caesares as the doctor spoke up.

Silently, he held out his hands; the palms were slashed deep all across their width, ill-healed and still bleeding. He'd tried climbing something he shouldn't have.]


Re: 3AM - INFIRMARY RAID - eee :D iam_aghost October 19 2011, 16:29:24 UTC
[Caesares looks at his hands and nods, for a moment almost mirroring Rinzler's silence. It was a little infectious.]

"Sit down, Mr Rinzler, and I'll be with you in a few moments." [He waved at the nearest empty bed, and disappeared for five seconds to get his suture kit, asking, as he returned,]

"How did you do that?"


8AM - FLOOR 1 - WAKEY WAKEY ifightfor October 18 2011, 01:27:06 UTC
((OOC: General post for anyone on floor one who doesn't have a specific tag. ♥))


Arthas (1 -17) darknessb4me October 18 2011, 07:41:48 UTC
[Knocking will get an immediate response:] What, Drake?


Arthas (1 -17) ifightfor October 18 2011, 07:46:40 UTC
[If Rinzler were not intimately aware of Arthas' bizarre cold spot in the hall, he'd be concerned about what it meant for the death knight's health.]

Not. [Not Drake. He's not sparing an extra word to identify himself, however.] Status.


Arthas (1 -17) darknessb4me October 18 2011, 07:48:20 UTC

[The door actually gets opened. For staring. It's that geist again.]

Did Fordring send you?


TOSHIKO (1 - 2) ifightfor October 18 2011, 01:28:05 UTC
[Tap tap tap. Toshiko should be able to recognize Rinzler's insistent but polite brand of knocking by now.]


TOSHIKO (1 - 2) hopeless_hacker October 18 2011, 08:05:22 UTC
[Since being rendered Inmateless, Tosh has kind of gone into seclusion - she does recognise the knock but she's still sort of surprised when it's Rinzler at the door and not Martha running a welfare check.]

Good morning.


TOSHIKO (1 - 2) ifightfor October 18 2011, 08:36:17 UTC
[He takes a step back from the door as she opens it, and offers her a bow in greeting. The tenor of his growl ratchets down to something that might almost be called a purr; it's good to see Tosh well when everything else has been turning to chaos.]


Re: TOSHIKO (1 - 2) hopeless_hacker October 18 2011, 08:56:35 UTC
[She half-smiles and leans one hip against the doorway. If this was an urgent call she expects he would have stated his business by now.]



SARAH HARDING (1 - 4) ifightfor October 18 2011, 01:30:38 UTC
[Sarah had been locked out of her room last Rinzler seen from the network, but he checks anyway to see if she's been able to make it back in.]


whattheytellyou October 18 2011, 08:29:14 UTC
[She has, at that! After a night in Amanda's room, she tried to get back in, only to discover her room was perfectly fine.

Now, of course, when she opens the door, her ceiling has vines hanging from it and ferns growing out of the floor around her desk and bed.]

Morning, Rinzler. What can I do for you?


I dunno if you're still backtags and I am terribly late anyhow, but. :c ifightfor October 21 2011, 08:37:17 UTC
[Oh! That's unusual. The Program takes a moment to peer in at all the encroaching flora suspiciously. As it is not immediately hostile, however, he refocuses on Sarah.]

Status check.

[He indicates the jungle taking over her room with a brief gesture; all of this has him concerned, you know.]


O'BRIEN (1 - 8) ifightfor October 18 2011, 01:31:22 UTC
[Tap tap. Are you in there, comrade?]


(The comment has been removed)

Re: O'BRIEN (1 - 8) ifightfor October 21 2011, 08:38:22 UTC
[He'll have to do that; he's cross-referencing nonresponsive Inmates with the work schedule. Off to the infirmary! ...for the second time this morning.]


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