Oct 07, 2011 18:55

Who: OPEN to any of the hostages in Will's room, and to Rachel
What: Being tied up? Arguing? Freaking out? Idk!
When: Any time during the hostage period!
Where: Will's room.
Warnings: HOSTAGES. Idk, possible angst and trauma?

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alan wake, gaheris rhade, will graham, rex lewis/cobra commander, rachel berenson, jim profit, drake stone

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Comments 33

stopthat_destro October 7 2011, 18:39:13 UTC
When Rex awoke, he was only dimly aware of his situation. It was a haze at first, but as he blinked open his eyes, clarity started to come to him. He was in an unfamiliar bedroom... restrained. He tugged his arms experimentally at first, and when the ropes wouldn't budge, his movements became more frantic, panicked. No, no, no, this can't be happening again, no--

There was a soft whine, like a wounded animal, and once he realized it was him, he stopped abruptly, trying to will himself to calm down.

It wasn't Armand. Armand wasn't here anymore. It wasn't going to be like last time.

He slowed his breathing down, finally calming down enough to pay attention to the voice-- somebody was beside him, saying something. He jerked his head to the side and--

Oh god damn it. Profit.

"Never better," he deadpanned.


raisedinabox October 7 2011, 19:01:59 UTC
That whine forced Jim to look away. It had taken him a moment to recognize Doctor Lewis as the man next to him, but now that he had he didn't want to connect that desperate, piteous sound to the normally aggressively unsympathetic young man. He didn't want to be in a situation that could force that degree of panic onto someone.

When Rex got enough control over himself to reply to him, the more familiar dryness in his tone helped Jim to regain a little of his own composure. Enough at least for his tone to be downright mild when he responded again.

"I'm glad to hear that, Doctor Lewis." He shifted, slightly, trying to find even a fraction of slack in his bound arms. "You know, I actually couldn't have chosen a better person to be abducted with. I'm sure there'll be people looking for you already."


stopthat_destro October 7 2011, 19:17:48 UTC
"Don't count on it," he murmured bitterly, glaring at a nice, neutral spot in the room. Two days, last time. Tied to a bed, forced to depend on his captor for every little thing, eating from his hand like a dog. Of course, he had only himself to blame for nobody noticed. His tendency to disappear into his projects for days on end made him the perfect kidnapping victim-- at the time. At least now he had Iago, who would likely notice. Possibly Ana, although she was certainly used to him vanishing, too.

He tugged at his bonds again, his heart rate rising with each futile attempt that failed to pan out. Swallowing, he looked back, trying to get a better feel for his surroundings. "Whose room is this?"


raisedinabox October 7 2011, 19:36:48 UTC
"I don't know. Whoever brought me here, I never saw their face." Jim replied evenly. He paused, then nodded towards the bed, with the one arm draped over the side, "My guess is that's the official occupant, could be they're an inmate who brought us here and then stopped for a nap, or they could be a warden, and whoever brought us here murdered them."

Those were the realistic options. If they were alive, and a fellow hostage, they would have to have been tied up, and if they were an inmate, someone's item would have gone off.

Perhaps if Jim'd been tied up a little higher, or if he'd been able to brace his legs against the floor enough to lift himself up, he'd have seen the man's chest rise and fall and dismissed this theory. As it was though? He wasn't holding out much hope.

Tied up and left in a room with Rex Lewis and a dead body. Great.


~Have A Hopefully Helpful (If Overly Lengthy) Description~ grahamcommawill October 7 2011, 19:12:24 UTC
Spacious, yet spartan, the cabin they are in is fairly large for a standard cabin. The main area is combination living space and small dinette area. Wood panel floors, white walls, with very few decorations. There's a coffee table with a couch and two armchairs on either side of it. The three pieces of furniture seem comfortable and slightly worn, of a faded tan color ( ... )


majorum_pride October 7 2011, 20:57:40 UTC
When Rhade woke, the sootiness from the deck had been joined by a throbbing and trickle of blood from his temple. Now dried, and it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked. When he sat up, the movement was slow and deliberate, and the whites of his eyes still a little stark against skin smeared with ash and sweat.

He didn't say a word, though. He just sat up, and started taking note of whoever else was in the room with him silently. He wondered if he could get purchase on anything with the blades bound behind his back, but it seemed they were, at the moment, compromised.

Maybe someone else could get to them, if he could work his way gradually closer to Rex and Jim. But then again he had to catch Rachel when she wasn't looking to make each slow progression.


flashy_magic October 7 2011, 21:40:08 UTC
When Drake awoke with a pounding headache, he woke up and looked around, seeing other people tied up around him. He then looked around, almost hoping to see a mirror so he could see the extent of the damage. Unfortunately, he saw none, and his hands were tied up and behind the back of the chair, which would make spellcasting difficult.

"Hey, what am I doing here?"

He didn't see any reason why this particular group of people would be kidnapped, after all.


majorum_pride October 7 2011, 21:48:10 UTC
"We're being rescued." Flatly. Can't you tell, Drake? Isn't this the best rescue?

He surveyed the room grimly, noting Will's sleeping form and wondering if there was any way to appeal to a Barge coma victim. He guessed that the answer was no.

"You're Drake, aren't you?" His own head was still throbbing for obvious reasons.


flashy_magic October 7 2011, 21:49:34 UTC
"Yeah." He paused. After a moment, he asked, "Is my hair okay?"


waketerror October 7 2011, 22:20:51 UTC
The details were scarce; the actions quick and clean, but one minute Alan is up and walking and the next he's finding himself waking up in a room with decor he'd never choose . Groggy, his first instinct is to stand, but Alan shortly discovers he's unable; someone has bound his hands behind his back with rope. And worse, Alan was bound to something heavy; something that would take a lot of time to be free from. He wasn't going anywhere.

There's the sensation of a headache approaching; the slight throbbing on his temples is gradually worsening. Well, now he knew how he'd been taken against his will. Knocked out, but with what? Alan couldn't tell if he'd suffered any injuries other than the minimal trauma of being hit in the head. The pulsating sensation was a reminder of that.

And then there were the others. Scattered amongst the room like their captor was in a hurry to dump the bodies and scout for more. But at least they took the time to incapacitate their victims before they continued to recruit more members for the club.


stopthat_destro October 8 2011, 03:54:59 UTC
Rex was watching the other man, his expression curious. So far, all of the kidnapped parties were inmates, but this one... He wasn't certain about. A newer arrival, and one that Rex hadn't spoken to yet, although he'd seen the man around the Barge.

He shifted a little to, well, face the stranger as best he could, considering the limitations on his mobility.

"I take it you're as clueless as the rest of us?" His voice was dry and casual, like he was accustomed to this kind of situation. In truth, he'd simply been awake long enough to get a tenuous grip on himself and put on a facade of calm.


waketerror October 9 2011, 20:36:58 UTC
Alan had yet to discover that most of the captives were inmates, but that detail wasn’t too important to him right now. What mattered was that they were all being held prisoner and to find out who’d brought them here. Then he heard a nearby voice and turned to address it as best he could.

Vision partially skewed on account of his entrapment, Alan could make out the features of a young man he’d briefly seen before. “Yeah,” he replied with a nod and a smirk, not really noticing the calm in the other’s voice. “You wouldn’t happen to have an aspirin would you?” he finished jokingly knowing what the answer was going to be.


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