
Sep 08, 2011 22:24

Who: Jarvlin & Rinzler!Cat Franklin, Rinzler, and Richie.
What: Richie needs to be taught to play nice with the pretties :| Vampires with robot!bros are the best teachers!
Where: Richie's room.
When: BACKDATED to a few nights after this.
Notes: Cursing? Fanging? Creepin'?

She is something simply beautiful, reappear when you feel magical... )

richard gecko, franklin mott, rinzler

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Comments 21

notafuckingnut September 9 2011, 02:41:49 UTC
Whereas Franklin's nights had been vengeance-fuelled, Richie's had been much tamer, almost boring in their lack of excitement. Sure, people had been either avoiding being in the same room as him or given him dirty looks, but he figured it was their problem. He hadn't done anything since his arrival as far as he knew, nothing that would piss anybody off, anyway. It was all them, he wasn't going to worry about it. Maybe it was just residual crankiness from the last flood. Fuck 'em.

At the knock on his door he let out a loud, long-suffering sigh. It was probably Graham. Again. Richie assumed, anyway, given that he was most often the one visiting. It didn't even occur to him to check first.

"I've already told you, quit knocking and just fucking come in if you're gonna, save us both some time."


vfranklinmott September 9 2011, 02:49:11 UTC
What a charmer. Franklin grinned. This might be easier than he thought. He tried for his best 'I'm a perfectly innocent neighbor' voice.

"I'd love to, but that requires you to actually open the door, mate."


ifightfor September 9 2011, 04:01:51 UTC
Rinzler had stationed himself two doors down the hall--close enough to keep Franklin in audible range; far enough not to look completely suspicious at a glance.

He was playing cover, for now. If things got more interesting, however...


notafuckingnut September 9 2011, 10:53:38 UTC
The voice on the other side of the door was decidedly not his Warden, but that didn't necessarily make it a problem.

He was going stir crazy in here anyway.

It was only a handful of steps to the door, and a moment's work to get the lock undone and peek out into the hallway. Per usual he didn't open the door all the way, just enough to look out and see what was on the other side.

"You're not Will."


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