Who: Tim and OPEN
What: Tim's being a creep, creepering around the barge, you know.
When: Throughout the flood.
Where: All over!
Notes: Just like with the Olive log, instead of setting set times and places, it's your choice! Tim's going to be all over, so tag in where and whenever you want them to meet.
Take a chance with the shadows like a thief in the night )
Comments 63
Except he's been getting restless. He's always been a man of action, and doing nothing for days on end sets him on edge.
It's why he's on the prowl, not necessarily looking for anything so much as testing the waters. He's done it before; this time, though, he doesn't bother with stealth. A sword, a blade, and a handgun -- the first visible, while the others are secreted away.
He doesn't expect trouble. Not really. Even so, it never hurts to be prepared.]
Wilson, [he said, eying the sword. Tim stilled.] Where did you get those?
His lower lip curls with something not unlike disdain. He knows who this is.]
I could ask you the same.
Put the weapons on the floor. [It's an order, there's no mistake about it, and there's a(n un)healthy helping of Bruce in his voice, but Batman is all his now. And he isn't uncomfortable with it.] Now.
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