Log: Prefect and Barron, closed

Aug 13, 2011 03:45

Who: Prefect and Barron
What: Prefect has had the shit beaten out of him and been lying in an empty room all week, Barron is finding him :c
Where: Empty room! Maybe infirmary later!
When: Shortly after the flood ends
Warnings: kinda graphic description of injuries and a bit of Prefect angst and Barron woe :c

The pain was a shifting one )

prefect, barron sharpe

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Comments 9

sharpememory August 13 2011, 02:57:18 UTC
Barron was currently searching the barge with a level of method and determination that had escaped him during the flood. It didn't surprise him that he'd forgotten that he told Eddie he would search for Prefect. Had hadn't seemed important. But now, a number of days later, he was searching the barge from head to toe. He'd asked for Prefect over the journals, but there had been no response. It was possible that Prefect had been drinking. That he'd lost his journal. Or even that he didn't want to speak to Barron. But it didn't seem likely ( ... )


buywithme August 13 2011, 03:11:15 UTC
Prefect had heard distant voices during the flood. The usual muffled sounds of the day to day lives of people on the barge, occasionally the fast footfalls of running, and the laughter of children who had no right to be there. What he hadn't heard, in days, was anyone actually talking to him, and the difference was striking. His head jerked up, jarring his injuries slightly, but not enough to detract from the fact that there was someone at the door, that there was...

"Barron!" His voice was raw and aching, but Prefect still managed to croak out his inmate's name in his relief at seeing the other man before him, "Comrade-- I need help!"

Because that wasn't obvious at all, was it? Well, Barron had a lot of problems, and Prefect really didn't want any strange, Barron related confusion over this particular point.


sharpememory August 13 2011, 03:28:03 UTC
It took Barron a few seconds to move. He was still staring at the sheer amount of damage that had been done to Prefect. His bruised and swollen face, the way he was hunched over and so obviously in pain. The fact that he must have been in this room for so long. Barron thought of Lila, in her cage, stuck in there for days. He quickly pushed the thought away.

"I know you need help." Barron said quickly, automatically taking off his gloves as he walked over and knelt next to Prefect. He was already getting his journal out of his pocket.

"What happened?" Barron didn't switch on his journal jut yet. He needed to know first. Was it Arthas again?


buywithme August 13 2011, 03:46:44 UTC
Prefect braced one arm against the floor of the cabin, pushing himself up towards his inmate painfully to try and support himself on the other man a little, "Beatty... decided that I was a bad influence on O'Brien." He rolled his head slightly, leaning against Barron's shoulder, "He said I made things worse for him. Which, I guess in a way was true, Comrade."

He was quiet for a moment, just chilling on Barron's shoulder. Prefect really really liked Barron for coming to find him right now. This was what a good inmate would do! It's what he would have (and had) done for Sam a few times. "There isn't a way to make it easier, and there isn't a way to go back to the way you were before you got here. All you can do is try to be proud of yourself for changing, instead of hating yourself for it." His words were slurring a little bit now, and Prefect wasn't entirely sure if he was talking about O'Brien, or about Barron, or about himself, but the message still seemed important.


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