
Jul 17, 2011 23:17

Who: Agent K & Co.
What: Jurassic Park shenanigans
Where: Cutting a trail through Isla Nublar
When: All during port
Warnings & Notes: Different threads to represent different things.

port: it's got teeth, agent k, william cooper

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First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 18 2011, 06:29:23 UTC
[Kay checks his watch as he pushes through the trees. He stops only for a moment to tuck his pants legs into black combat boots (thank you for the warning that there would be less civilization), and then cuffs his shirt cuffs more tight closed

Then he presses on.] Tuck in your pants legs somehow Cooper, into your socks if you have to. Leeches are a damn unpleasant thing to get on you. [He pulls out one of the blasters to hand back towards him.] Try not to start any stampedes.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 20 2011, 15:31:37 UTC
...I can't believe I actually kicked it. [He slips the blaster back into his inner coat pocket.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 21 2011, 19:40:45 UTC
I can't believe you kicked high enough to catch it. [Gramps. :| Cooper didn't tuck his blaster away, not yet. But the dino was well and truly toast, and he twisted his mouth to the side in a wry grimace.]



Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 21 2011, 20:39:52 UTC
I kick things higher than that all the time... [He makes a dismissive motion. Ffft. He's not that out of shape, Sport.]

...We can find a better one than that. [What Cooper does no know? He has a really big gun in his coat right now. Joke about his boyfriend all he wants, but his man gave him goddamn hammerspace.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 22 2011, 03:05:01 UTC
[Prove it old man. :| Cooper just gives Kay a look. An are you secretly psychotic look.]

I am not taking own a t-rex with you.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 22 2011, 11:19:36 UTC
[He is pretty unstable.] Sure thing. Wouldn't ask you to go that far.

[And then he starts walking ahead, casually reaching into an outer pocket, which otherwise seems empty, and pulling out something that seems the size of a ROCKET LAUNCHER that he casually leans on his shoulder. Doopty doo. He's just going to be ready for an titanosaurs now.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 23 2011, 17:17:25 UTC
[Oh. Oh what the fuck. Cooper had started after Kay, but upon seeing what came out of his SUIT POCKET, stops very, very short.]

How the fuck did you get that?


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 23 2011, 18:48:15 UTC
The gun? I found it in the last port. Near something that wanted to eat me. [That did eat him.]

The suit? Turns out Time Lords make their pockets bigger on the inside. [This was the most awesome present, Cooper, you don't even know!]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 24 2011, 15:47:47 UTC
[Oh he has a feeling. HE HAS A FEELING.] What else do you have in there?


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 25 2011, 03:24:44 UTC
I picked up a first aid kit at the visitor center. And I have a tranquilizer gun. And I have night-vision goggles.

...I might also have another big gun. Maybe.

[We can at least get an Allosaurus, right?]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 29 2011, 02:12:10 UTC
Hope it has my name on it. [Gimme. Gimme gimme gimme gimme. Such mental grabby hands.]


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