Lazylog for Prefect and Barron Sharpe. Some FINE DECORATION.

Jun 12, 2011 02:13

[Prefect swayed unsteadily out into the corridor to where Barron was waiting, and with a manly heave, he put down the large pot of orange paint.]

All right, Comrade, that's all the paint. And now. We will perform a service, for the Barge. As a Warden and inmate. Collaborative project. Task. Thing ( Read more... )

prefect, barron sharpe

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Comments 26

sharpememory June 12 2011, 01:19:39 UTC
[Prefect had made an excellent choice, Barron thought, as he took another gulp of gin before passing the bottle back to Prefect. This stairwell was boring. So boring.]

You're an amazing warden. [Barron said, deadpan. He was only half joking.] This is going to be great.

[Barron paused, examining the wall. He knew what it needed.] You know what sucks, Prefect? Culturally relativity. Yeah.

[Barron nodded to himself, taking a second before continuing. The ground swaying like that was really unfortunate.] Cultural relativity. That's the one. We need to paint stuff that everyone will know.


buywithme June 12 2011, 01:31:12 UTC
[Prefect accepted the Gin easily, and took a swig. Carrying that paint had been thirsty work.]

And you're the best inmate, Comrade. [Never mind that post he made about BAWWW WHY IS MY INMATE SO DUMB.]

What's culture relativity? Is it... [Pause. Think hard.] ...Something about... science?

[He does give a solemn nod to that whole painting things that everyone knows bit though.] People will need to understand it.


sharpememory June 12 2011, 01:35:55 UTC
It's about gloves, man. [Barron said, raising a hand for emphasis.] Gloves and workers. It's like everyone here is an idiot.

[He sighed. Life was so hard sometimes. Especially when faced with his very nice gloves and the risk of getting very orange paint all over them.]

We should draw the Admiral. Everyone knows him. He's like Santa. [Barron looked at the wall seriously. The Admiral would need a suit. He seemed like a suit kind of guy.]


buywithme June 12 2011, 01:42:05 UTC
Oh! [Prefect mimics the gesture, raising his own bare hand in return.] Because, you all wear gloves, and no one here doe?! [He pauses, looking thoughtful.] You know, you can take those off now, if you want Comrade.

[He wiggles his fingers. It's good not to be wearing gloves.]

We should draw some wardens as well. Wardens and inmates.


We should draw ourselves, Comrade.


sharpememory June 27 2011, 11:44:51 UTC
[OOC: Regarding the mural, it's on the wall and some of the floor. Just for future FYI.]


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