A day in the life...

Jun 07, 2011 20:45

Who: Tosh and EVERYONE!  Well, everyone who tags.
When: Today!  Or other days close to today, if today isn't convenient.
Where: Lots of places! 
What: Depressive nerdery all up ins.
Warnings: Pfft unlikely.

Standard day-in-the-life thead!  Tag in wherever.  New/old CR and multithreading absolutely welcome. ♥

toshiko sato, charles "trip" tucker, luke cage, captain james t. kirk, a day in the life, una persson

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Comments 74

9.15am - Engine room hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 19:47:22 UTC
[Toshiko spends a lot of time here. Sometimes it's not even for engine maintenance purposes, just for the sake of being somewhere where very few other people can be without being cooped up in her cabin. Right now she's picking over the holographic projector she's been working on.]


mrs_persson June 7 2011, 21:16:37 UTC
[Una's just been by to check on O'Brien, and on her way out, she passes Toshiko and waves hello.]



hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 21:24:49 UTC
[She looks up from her tinkering and smiles a little, returning the wave.]

'Morning, Una.


mrs_persson June 8 2011, 14:31:24 UTC
[Una decides to pause a moment to chat.]

How are things?


12.30pm - Gym hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 19:47:41 UTC
[Exercise? Gasp. Yeah, she worked out a while ago that running all over Cardiff was keeping her in shape and life on the Barge is sedentary by comparison. She's on a treadmill right now. Having this sort of empty time when she can't really do anything else helps her to think.]


2.30pm - Level 1, Room 2 hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 19:48:09 UTC
[i.e. Tosh's cabin. She's playing with her rats. This is not a euphemism for anything (although who knows what that could possibly be a euphemism for) - she has two white rats, and there's one sitting on her shoulder while the other one is trying to crawl up her sleeve. This relationship is much easier to maintain than anything she's tried with other human beings lately.]


4.30pm - Engine room hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 19:48:24 UTC
[Yeah, here again. But she's actually working on the engine now! Hooray.]


Re: 4.30pm - Engine room inhistorybooks June 7 2011, 20:33:07 UTC
[Trip has been pretty bored since Ray vanished. Well, aside from watching Enterprise, of course, and he's slowly making his way through the rest of the series because apparently, he learned nothing about curiosity killing the cat.

Otherwise, he's been trying to make himself useful, so he'd headed down to the engine room to see what he could do to help out, and once he spotted her, came over to see what Tosh was up to.]

Need a hand?


Re: 4.30pm - Engine room hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 20:47:44 UTC
[She looks up in surprise at the less-familiar voice - there are only three keys to the engine room, and she generally expects random visitors to be Harper - but it passes quickly and she gives a reluctant nod.]

Could you open this panel? [She taps the one next to the one she's got open, exposing a number of wires and cables running across the body of the engine.] There's a coupling loose somewhere.


Re: 4.30pm - Engine room inhistorybooks June 7 2011, 20:55:53 UTC
Can do. [And he's going to do just that, looking over the exposed wires and cables and starting to took for the loose coupling. And because Trip doesn't do the whole silently working thing particularly well, he asked:] This anything like the engines back where you're from?


7.45pm - Dining hall hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 19:48:50 UTC
[Tosh finally realised she hasn't eaten anything substantial today, so she showed up at the tail end of the dinner shift to get whatever was left for dinner. Besides mobile catering and nonspecific 'meat' products she's not a fussy eater. Right now she's in a corner, eating and radiating mild 'go away' vibes.]


Re: 7.45pm - Dining hall captain_jtkirk June 7 2011, 20:28:58 UTC
Someone looks like she doesn't want any human interaction. That was pretty Kirk's cue to go bug her. At least that was how he does it with Shego and it's been a while since he's talked to Tosh anyway.

"Hey you," he said as he slid into the seat across from her. "How's it shaking?"


Re: 7.45pm - Dining hall hopeless_hacker June 7 2011, 20:41:39 UTC
Since Toshiko is more polite than Shego by some order of magnitude, she actually smiled politely and looked up at him when he sat down.

"Oh - not bad. Being where we are, I hesitate to say 'same as usual' but that is mostly the case. How are you?"


Re: 7.45pm - Dining hall captain_jtkirk June 7 2011, 20:55:39 UTC
"Pretty good. Business as usual." He shrugged a little before giving her a grin. "I just almost forgot what you looked like so I figured I'd say hey."


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