Who: Una and O'Brien What: Post-mindwipe-attempt chinwag. Where: The interrogation room in zero. When: The day after O'Brien's mindwipe fail. Warnings: Probably a lot of swearing. The usual sort of thing with these two.
"And how did you know where to find it? A fair bit of work went into making sure that thing was secure."
So many questions. She'd worked out a lot of the details from reading through his journal posts, but there were still gaps and she owed several people answers.
Glare. "You knew to send your little friend to Kay's room, O'Brien. How? Congratulations, by the way, on even identifying his room to begin with; he's cagey. I suppose you found some benefit in custodial duty after all."
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So many questions. She'd worked out a lot of the details from reading through his journal posts, but there were still gaps and she owed several people answers.
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