
Mar 17, 2011 20:13

Who: Perry Dawsey, Hayley Stark, Jonathan Crane [CLOSED]
When: Starting late last night and extending until Sunday afternoon.
Where: Deck, then CES
What: Hayley is nanomited to hate Crane and has an arsenal at her disposal, as well as a warden item. Perry owes Hayley a favor, but would probably chip in for free. aka: KIDNAPPING.
Warnings: Potential ( Read more... )

hayley stark, perry dawsey, jonathan crane/scarecrow

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[CES - Day one, hours later] doctor_j_crane March 20 2011, 09:56:27 UTC
Apparently, Hayley had not gotten bored. She remained a safe distance away, apparently not bothered at all by the passing time. For the first hour Crane had waited for a kind of nervous tension. Surely someone would be coming into the CES soon. He waited, expecting Eames or another warden to make an appearance. After the first hour, Crane's hopes for that started to die. He spent twenty minutes working on the ropes, applying pressure to them as best he could from various angles. It didn't help. If anything, Crane was reasonably sure that it tightened the knots.

By the third hour, Crane hated Hayley, the beach and everything on it. This type of waiting was frustrating, but nothing worse than the kind of insidious monotony that Arkham maintained. If it wasn't for the constant presence of Hayley, it would have been almost normal. But still, Hayley wasn't doing anything, which still left the ball in Crane's court. He wondered when it would get dark. Possibly soon, depending on the sun. But not soon enough to have any easy escape from ( ... )


[CES - Day one, hours later] doctor_j_crane March 27 2011, 09:35:26 UTC
Crane spent a moment thinking on that. The connection between the fifteen minutes and what had just happened was fairly obvious. And not particularly surprising.

"So you did put something in it. Let me guess. Fear toxin? To be ironic?" Crane grinned at the thought of it. He didn't like being under the influence of fear toxin, but to some extent he was used to it. It could almost be considered research. It certainly seemed like something Hayley would do, to ensure that she'd get even with him.


[CES - Day one, hours later] victimofnoone March 27 2011, 09:40:15 UTC
She glanced up from her book to look at him, expression in utter deadpan for a moment. Then she smiled, slowly, until it widened into a smirk. The truth was far more ironic. "I thought about that, yeah, but.. well, I gave you that vial of fear toxin I had and never got any back, so. I figured I'd just make do, you know?"

Hayley looked back down to her book, the same sadistic smile on her lips. She would let him figure it out, or he could discover the truth soon enough. Of course, she wondered how it might affect her, if she had taken enough to be honest herself or if she was going to be safe. Whatever the case, he was screwed.


[CES - Day one, hours later] doctor_j_crane March 31 2011, 04:44:55 UTC
Have a long glare from Crane. He knows that Hayley has lab access and that she's had a fair bit of experience with it in the past. Possibly enough to attempt to make her own batch, although Crane has no doubt that it would have failed. He started to seriously consider the possibility of a long, drawn out death from some kind of unintentional poisoning on Hayley's part. It was not an appealing prospect.

"I'm sure you made a solid attempt. It's rather impressive, you know. That type of resourcefulness." Hayley hadn't responded to flattery before, but you never knew. Maybe this time it would strike a chord with her.


[CES - Day one, hours later] victimofnoone April 7 2011, 22:24:07 UTC
"Thanks." She looked genuinely flattered for a moment, lifting her gaze to him. Then she smiled and ducked her head just for a second as if embarrassed. When Hayley lifted her gaze to look at him again, however, that fake humility was gone. "I'm not really sure you'll still be thinking that way in like, an hour? But thanks for the compliment. It might mean more if it wasn't total bullshit too."

The girl flashed him another grin before returning to her book. Let Crane talk himself into a flurry, into telling the truth in a storm. She could wait.


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