Open Playground Thread!

Jan 22, 2011 15:26

Who: Anyone!
When: Saturday!
Where: The playground!
What: Just tag in with your kids/teens/parents/WHATEVER. New tags. Open tags. Closed tags! Doesn't matter! Just put what you want in the subject! Assume that it's cold, but HEY...any excuse to be outside, right?

To be a kid again! )

miss parker, nyota uhura, persephone

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Comments 3

you_run_i_chase January 22 2011, 22:31:18 UTC
Parker had been drafted into park duty. She hadn't fucking wanted to be drafted into park duty by any stretch of the imagination, but that was beside the point. Yeah, this port had done nothing but remind her that she really wasn't like her mother and she was really bad at the whole parent thing.

With a mutter, she dropped onto the conveniently placed mom bench and there was a chewed lip when she realized that she was going to have to be outside and not smoking. How did this woman do it? The not smoking was one thing, the not swearing was another, but what the fuck how did she wear these crappy clothes?

However, she pulled the scarf tighter around her neck and watched as Uhura slid down the slide. Sliding down the slide sounded good and fun. Maybe there were worst things that she could be doing here.


lt_n_uhura January 23 2011, 13:55:06 UTC
After going down once more, Uhura ran over to Parker and hopped up on the bench beside her, breathing heavily, the smile still on her face. "Don't look so unhappy," she prompted her. "Didn't you bring a book to read or...something?" The child was going to at least attempt to be helpful during all of this. It just...wasn't in her nature to be this hateful to another human being.

It didn't help that she knew Parker was having problems blending in anyway.


persephonepearl January 23 2011, 17:35:46 UTC
Persephone was dressed in a rather princess-like looking jacket, and she had been brought over by Abigail who had faded into the background. The goddess had recovered from the horrible shock that had been her room covered in Spongebob things, and now she was finding that it was much easier to be a mortal.

She'd been watching the children as they jostled one another for the chance to go down the cold metal slide thing, and she chewed on her fingers for a moment, as she saw the girl down the slide. Hmm.

Running after, Persephone remembered her promise to try and be good. "Have you tried the spinning thing? I like the spinning thing!"


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