
Jan 19, 2011 01:24

Who: Ariadne and Cooper
What: Ariadne's moving furniture and Cooper doesn't approve. Mostly because he can hear it.
When: Wednesday morning. Ariadne's an early riser.
Where: Ariadne's room/the hallway.
Warnings:LOLNO. Just fun stuff mostly. Lazylog because D is lazy.

Things weren't in the right place. )

ariadne, william cooper

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fuckyoucynthia January 19 2011, 06:50:00 UTC
Spectacularly. It also happened to be the wall that his bed was pressed against, which was where Cooper was lounging, reading over his notes. He'd compiled a lot of them, by now, but all that God damn banging and shuffling and - what the hell was she doing over there? Whatever it was, it was giving him a headache.

So he reached up and pounded a fist against the wall.


It's always so SECRETLY AWESOME. fuckyoucynthia January 30 2011, 15:23:23 UTC
She wasn't the only early riser on their floor, and he shot an arched eyebrow in her direction, once he was sure the bureau wouldn't tip over and fall on something. Most likely her. "You didn't wake me," he said, brushing off his hands - not because they were dirty, but because there was always that tingly sensation when you moved something big. "I was working."


Hahahahaha. LIKE THAT ICON. DUN DUN DUN. physicslol January 30 2011, 16:24:19 UTC
Ariadne raised an eyebrow at him, tilting her head to the side. Working? Already this morning? She couldn't resist asking, "You're already working?"

Okay, that was more than a little intense.


AW SNAP fuckyoucynthia January 31 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
He snorted at the question, turning to head for the door. "You're already moving furniture," he said dryly. He didn't think she had much room to comment on his morning habits.


WAH WAH WAHHH. physicslol January 31 2011, 05:27:52 UTC
Ariadne shifted her weight, realizing that he was right in this. "Yeah, I was." She smiled a little as she shook her head. "Thanks for helping me, Cooper."


/insert epic music here 8] fuckyoucynthia January 31 2011, 05:38:26 UTC
"Try asking next time." He was gruff, but - hopefully - not too rude. It wasn't like he was trying to be a dick.


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