Dead Religion

Oct 29, 2010 19:01

Who: Dematoralvakosib, Ancient Gallifreyan exile priest, and anyone at all!
What: Just a priest with a really long name, stargazing. The nuttiness on the Barge isn't bothering him.
Where: Deck
When: Now!
Warning: Unlike the Master, Demat is not particularly prone to smarming, killing people, or eating everything in sight. Unless someone attacks him ( Read more... )

the doctor (tenth), omega

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Comments 24

rass_bestie October 29 2010, 23:34:59 UTC
[What he's doing, who he is, is calling to a part of him, that death, let alone a flood, can't erase, so he's practically out of costume, when senses the song. Though he is isn't quite solid. He doesn't know his name, nor much of Gallifrey, but he knows holy when he sees it.] Are you all right?

[The Doctor is clearly puzzled by the break in character.]


some_go_mad October 30 2010, 00:52:06 UTC
[Omega's question elicits a telepathic ?, a 'hm?' in wordless telepathy, before Demat turns around to give his attention properly to the person addressing him.]

Sorry. [He tips his head to the side, as he hears himself speak the word, and then mouths it again. English. It's a new language to him-he's good at picking up languages telepathically, but he's never run into this one. He shrugs, and smiles, a little rueful, before continuing.] I didn't think anyone was listening.

[And he's just registering the fact that the newcomer is also a strong psychic-very strong. Huh.]


rass_bestie October 30 2010, 09:28:45 UTC
[He's very thrown.] I'm sure we can get home…

Bound to!


some_go_mad October 31 2010, 03:51:18 UTC
[The two voices make him flinch, and then try to conceal his unease. He's seen stranger things happen to strong psychics-particularly under the new regime. The 'safeguards' being put in place to, officially, protect them from themselves have shattered more than a few of Gallifrey's best empaths.]

We'll get somewhere. And then we'll make it home.


doctor_of_time October 31 2010, 05:04:34 UTC
[The Doctor is currently under the impression that he is Giacomo Casanova. He's strolling around because this place IS COOL. And full of women. Ahem.]

[...But that. That looks somewhat like a priest. Or the figurehead for some religion-none that he can recognize, but, well. The point is that he has quite a history with priests. That history includes highlights such as impersonating them, offending them, nearly killing them, and, once, being sort of pseudo-adopted by one. The point being that, with priests of any ilk, he can't ever seem to leave well enough alone.]

[So as he passes you, regardless of what religion you actually represent, he's going to go ahead and genuflect. And badly. Not that he doesn't know how it's done-in fact, he's actually quite good at it-but he's just a wee bit drunk right now.]

((So, um. Haven't watched Tennant!Casanova in ages. THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING.))


some_go_mad November 1 2010, 04:36:23 UTC
[Demat breaks off his thought-chant as a tall, thin man weaves by, throwing him an uncoordinated semblance of a bow. No one bows to the remaining few priests and priestesses of the Pythia. He hasn't been bowed to in his entire life, a good eighty years (yes, he's a baby Time Lord; he went through his first regeneration when he was sixty-seven, though, so he considers himself Experienced Beyond His Years).]

[He radiates a quick, mental wash of surprise, along with a greeting-feeling. Hello. As Casanova is, likely, not telepathically sensitive, he may not pick up on either.]

I know you? [The question should, if he thought about it, be do I know you. But he has a very definite feeling that he does know this man.]

((Welllll, he's pretty much Ten with more OHBOYSEX. So you should be fine XD))


doctor_of_time November 1 2010, 10:15:30 UTC
No, no. Not me. [Casanova waves the question away modestly-he hopes that's how it comes across, anyway-but stops, squinting.] Well, you might. But I don't think so. Nah, really don't think so. Was only trying to show the proper respect for the general profession.

[He frowns to himself. He really does like to do the Right thing, insomuch as his own definition of "right" allows him. But there's not much use at this point, he muses, when it comes to priests and the like.] Probably too late for that, though. Bit like trying to clean up the Biblical flood with a sponge.

[And a wince. Because he assumes he's probably just blasphemed whatever religion this man represents.] Oh, sorry, no, I'm making it worse, aren't I?


some_go_mad November 2 2010, 02:33:42 UTC
[Demat blinks at the other man. That. Was a lot of words.]

Biblical? [He'll go with that one. He doesn't know that one.]

[He's trying to touch "Casanova"'s mind, meanwhile. He's not prodding. In the cultural environment he was brought up in, it's common courtesy to touch minds while conversing. There doesn't seem to be anything to touch, though. That's...not at all reassuring.]


ooc darknessb4me November 3 2010, 03:11:58 UTC
((c-cough. um your icon is actually a prophet of an immortal alien race that lives outside dimensions. so you got that going for you. which is nice.))


Re: ooc some_go_mad November 3 2010, 14:10:37 UTC
((Ahahahaha, that is fantastic. The Master says thank god, he doesn't have a tail, though.))


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