Paddy knew this was coming :X

Sep 27, 2010 22:41

WHO: Charlie Prince and Paddy Maguire
WHERE: Dining area
WHEN: End of Paddy's kitchen shift
WARNINGS: Violence at the very least

Charlie Prince had made a promise to fight... )

charlie prince, patrick maguire

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christ_onabike September 28 2010, 11:26:55 UTC
Paddy was, as always, the last out of the kitchen. He had to make sure things were clean; as much as he trusted his staff, he had a neat and tidy streak which bordered on obsessive at times. That, and he had to lock the door. So, he was pretty much alone when he shuffled out of the kitchen, locking the door behind him. He had quite a few things on his mind, so didn't see Charlie at first, just finished locking up and pocketed the keys.


christ_onabike September 28 2010, 21:59:37 UTC
Paddy took advantage of Charlie's moment of searching for another weapon and swung another fist out at his face; only the left, without any keys to add to the injury, but was prepared to take a quick step back to keep himself clear of further punches.


i_hate_posses September 29 2010, 00:06:25 UTC
Charlie was getting pretty sick of Paddy landing blows. Then again, there wasn't much he could do to stop it. He growled in pain as the latest punch connected and swung out with one of his own. Unfortunately, Paddy had moved out of his path so there wasn't any success on his end.

This didn't do much for his temper.

The outlaw spewed venom and kicked over one of the chairs next to him for lack of a closer target. Paddy was dead. Paddy was fucking dead when he got his hands on him. He came at the warden again with just his fists, intending to pound until there was nothing left.


christ_onabike September 29 2010, 00:22:28 UTC
Paddy fell to the floor with a hard 'oof' and took several punches from Charlie before he could get his senses together enough to give Charlie a hard shove, aiming to get him over, onto his back, and under control. Or, more likely, in a position where he could win this fight. He felt a little ill right now, but he'd keep going. He had to.


i_hate_posses September 29 2010, 00:33:41 UTC
Charlie didn't like being on his back, so he didn't react favorably when Paddy shoved him. He quickly attempted to sit up, kicking with his feet as he attempted to right himself, should Paddy try to get too close.

"That ain't gonna happen," He hissed as a warning, as if Paddy was one to care.


christ_onabike September 29 2010, 00:39:26 UTC
Paddy reached over and tried to pin Charlie back down, not messing around, just reaching towards his neck and trying to grab it hard enough to push it and pin it against the floor, "Ain't it now?"

Any attempts to grab him were made incredibly difficult by Charlie's kicking, but Paddy was going to give it his best attempt.


i_hate_posses September 29 2010, 03:32:14 UTC
Charlie glowered at the progress Paddy seemed to be making and lashed out with his feet again, trying to get the other man where it counted. After all, Paddy hadn't seen any problem in going for his junk, so why should he hold back?

It might teach that son of a bitch a lesson or two. And get the warden off of him, Charlie mused.


christ_onabike September 29 2010, 11:24:06 UTC
Paddy should have expected that. He curled up in a ball and grasped at his crotch protectively. A little too late, but it was the instinct. "Fucking fuck... fuck... fucking hell."

It had succeeded in getting him off Charlie and still pretty vulnerable to another attack.


i_hate_posses September 29 2010, 13:51:20 UTC
Charlie used the opportunity to sit up and begin to pull himself up. There wasn't a chance he'd be able to grab a chair again, was there? So far, that had seemed the most effective against Paddy, but the other man wasn't letting up.

Charlie could see his fork only a few feet away. Maybe he could make better use of it now that the other man wasn't in top form...


christ_onabike September 29 2010, 13:59:13 UTC
Paddy was slowly curling out of his ball and slowly tried to get himself back together and in a position to fight back. "Just fuck off and leave it."


i_hate_posses September 29 2010, 18:15:19 UTC
"Maybe when you're dead," Charlie muttered and made a grab for the feeding implement. Just one good thrust in the neck and the warden would be done. Sure, he'd be back; they always came back around here. But the point of the matter would be that Charlie won.


christ_onabike September 29 2010, 22:09:44 UTC
Paddy pulled himself up a little and blindly swung a fist out sideways towards Charlie, determined not to lose this. He didn't want anyone to die, that much was certain, but backing down was dumb.


i_hate_posses September 30 2010, 01:07:22 UTC
The outlaw dodged, using that moment to scoop up the fork and wield it once again in a threatening manner. "This ends here, Warden. You ain't got much left to you."

Whether or not that was the truth, Charlie declared it anyway.


christ_onabike September 30 2010, 01:11:06 UTC
Paddy pulled out of the punch before he slammed his fist into the floor, then silently made another swing at Charlie, still determined not to walk away the loser. It wasn't really about warden-and-inmate to Paddy any more, these days.


i_hate_posses September 30 2010, 01:50:27 UTC
Charlie hung back, waiting for Paddy to stop swinging before attempting to stab him with the fork. The outlaw knew there wasn't much more in the way of beatings he could take and wasn't about to let that smug warden win. Let him tire himself out swinging before Charlie delivered the coup de grace.


christ_onabike September 30 2010, 01:54:30 UTC
Paddy took a deep breath for a moment from punching him, keeping an eye on Charlie's hands as much as he could. There was no way this fight was going to be lost.


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