Who: Ted and Sylar. Later Ned.
Where: Sylar's Cabin. Level 5, Room 12.
What: Sylar needs/wants Ted's ability. Ted will let him take it.
When: An hour
after this. Backdated to first flood day.
Warnings: Character Death. R to be safe.
Ted convinced himself this was a good idea. There were only a few nagging doubts. Or that could be basic survival instinct. But it wasn't like death was permanent here. He'd just deal with a severe migraine for a week or so. No big deal. Sylar said he needed more abilities, more control. It was what he needed to get better.
Sylar had killed him before. But hadn't Claire said he was trying to find his redemption here? What kind of warden would he be if he turned away a cry for help?
Now at Sylar's door, he paused, and recalled vividly their prior meeting. It was an awkward feeling, and did nothing to ease his anxiety. He took a deep breath, not as calming as he would've liked, and finally knocked on the door.