Welcome to the Kiddie Korral.

Apr 30, 2010 16:22

Who: The Fifth Doctor and open!
What: IMAGINATION STATION! (yes, I once went to a day care center called that. STFU)
Where: The gymnasium!
When: Officially, the 2 hours prior to lunch and 1 hour prior to dinner, but pretty much any time, really!
Warnings: ...paint fights? Tantrums? Who knows!

Oh man, chitlins )

47, john wilkes booth, miss parker, gellert grindelwald, captain findthee swing, bob fraser, namor, the doctor (fifth), judas iscariot

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Comments 255

bob_fraser_snr April 30 2010, 22:28:33 UTC
Robert hadn't responded to the Doctor's message, despite observing it, mostly because he didn't feel that he needed 'coralling' as Paddy had put it. He glancing at the books, not finding any of them particularly enthralling. He shrugged and went to the Doctor. "Hello, Doctor," he said, holding out his hand for the taller man to shake.


a_bit_put_upon April 30 2010, 22:51:14 UTC
"Good afternoon. You must be Robert." The smile was easy, and the handshake was polite. He noticed the possibly disparaging glance, and chuckled. "Those aren't the only books available, you know," he confided. "I merely brought books which seemed as if they'd appeal to those less inclined to higher reading levels. What sort of books do you like to read, then?"


bob_fraser_snr April 30 2010, 22:58:19 UTC
He nodded, returning the smile. "Yes," he looked back at the books. "Well, I don't know. Mother keeps trying to get me to read things about revolutions... It's pretty wearying stuff. In all senses of the world." He looked back at the Doctor. "Perhaps something on that Gallifreyan? I noticed you and Theta speaking in it, it seems pretty interesting."


a_bit_put_upon April 30 2010, 23:17:19 UTC
"Nasty things anyway, wars. Revolutions aren't so bad, if the cause is right, but who's to judge that?" He blinked, slightly startled by the request. "Gallifreyan? I... I could try to teach you a bit of Gallifreyan, but it's not at all a language derived from any sort of Earth communication, and the few books I have in that language would look like a lot of nonsense to most people. Are you sure you'd like one of those?"


the verb I opened 501 verbs to, guys... pleasesmirk April 30 2010, 22:44:33 UTC
Swing wasn't too interested in being given something to read, nor was he really interested in anything the Doctor was offering, but he did want somewhere to sit, because his room was cold - and creepier than the dorms in the Assassin's Guild, which was an exceptional feat, he had to say. His older self had terrible taste.

He was used to attempting to do homework in a quiet corner of a common room, or trying to make his own quiet corner, because nobody in a boarding school knew the meaning of 'leaving me alone'. Not that he expected anyone to here, but he didn't really like hanging around on his own in a really, really strange place.

So sitting around here was probably the closest to home he could get. He was doing his Quirmian homework, legs curled under him in the corner of a settee whilst he scribbled out verb conjugations.

devenir: To become.

Present tense
je deviens - I become
tu deviens - you become
il/elle devient - he/she becomesIf anyone was peering over his shoulder, it'd look just like Roundworld French, and ( ... )


IT'S ALL WRONG! doeswhatido April 30 2010, 22:56:44 UTC
Well, he was supposed to be reading, but he was meandering about and seeing who all was interested in the books before he sat down. He was in his usual wear, trying not to look as stern as he usually did, and then he noticed the kid on the settee scribbling things out.

He didn't know how to approach kids. Did he sit next to him? Did he look over? What did he do? He had to do something aside from standing still and looking like a total nincompoop, so he crossed to stand about ten feet from the kid, inclining his head his way and looking at the paper as a sign of interest.

"You all right over here?"


Re: IT'S ALL WRONG! pleasesmirk April 30 2010, 23:10:06 UTC
Swing looked up, much further into his Quirmian homework by this point and trying to make sentences with some of the verbs he'd been working on, "Oh, Forty... Seven. Hello, sir."

He gave him a slight eager smile, "Yes...I'm...justdoing somehomework. Idon't...want to missout onmy education." That, and he'd managed to memorise everything he had to do. It helped to have Swing's brain sometimes.


doeswhatido April 30 2010, 23:14:14 UTC
"No need to call me 'sir,'" he said quickly. Him, a sir? He was nothing like the sirs back at the Organization. He wasn't of their authority or power. He'd allow the concierge and the waiters and the waitresses and the other workers at the institutions he went to to call him that, but not someone he was keen on, not at all. He didn't want that, not even from a kid. He could never live up to the greatness of the sirs he was raised by. Ever.

"What is it?" he asked, coming around with his hands lazily in his pockets and sitting delicately on the side of the sofa, glancing down at the paper. "Language homework?"


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namorofthesea May 1 2010, 05:39:38 UTC
A young, pointy eared boy sat on the ground, sculpting clay into various forms before smashing it and sculpting it into something new, or, upon realizing it looked nothing like what he was trying for, decided it was supposed to be something else and took it in a new direction.


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namorofthesea May 2 2010, 04:43:23 UTC
Namor stared at his creation for a moment before deciding, "A flounder." and continuing his efforts, trying to bring them closer to his claim.


wandthief May 1 2010, 10:42:40 UTC
Gellert wandered in, looking around then dipping his fingers in some paint and carelesly flicking it around, not caring who or what it hit. He grinned.

"What is the point of this?" He asked loudly, sounding both bored and as if he wanted some attention.


bob_fraser_snr May 1 2010, 11:15:17 UTC
Robert waved at Gellert and joined him. "It's for the young ones, really. Keep them busy."


wandthief May 1 2010, 11:21:57 UTC
Gellert grinned more at him and flicked some paint his way. "What about us? There must be something more interesting to do here. If I had my powers we could do... just about anything!"


bob_fraser_snr May 1 2010, 11:25:38 UTC
Robert flicked paint right back. "Apparently, we can flick paint at each other." He shrugged. "I've never had powers and I manage. What do you want to do?"


heavenonthemind May 1 2010, 16:42:02 UTC
Judas wandered in at one point, looking a little shy at so many kids in the gym. He could feel the energy in the room around him as he stepped in with a nervous look on his face, hat on his head, and a fork tied to his left arm in a mighty impersonation of his warden. However, the boy didn't feel as brave as Sexby, despite his apparel. Carefully, he moved toward the table with the paint on it, in awe of all the colors he saw on the table there. Needless to say, Judas had never seen such a variety in his entire life. First glancing around, he reached for the black paint and completed his Sexby look with a line over his eye and cheek. Now he could be brave!


preachyrose May 1 2010, 17:06:20 UTC
Rose spotted the young boy and instantly migrated towards him, curious as to why the boy had both a fork and a hat. Certainly it was some kind of imaginary game, but the motivation and the thought that went behind it was lost to the schoolteacher.

She normally did not work with the children this young, especially not the boys, but this was too much like where she was supposed to be.

She watched him put the paint on his face and smiled, walking over before kneeling down near him. "Who are you pretending to be?" she asked, unaware, of course, that the boy did not speak English.


heavenonthemind May 1 2010, 17:12:32 UTC
Judas stared up at Rose as she approached and tried to take a few steps back but when she knelt, he just watched her. Unfortunately, her question went right over his head, as what limited English he knew didn't supply him with the ability to understand her. So, instead he respectfully grabbed one of the bottles of paint and held it to her, hoping that was the right answer.


preachyrose May 1 2010, 17:16:31 UTC
Rose gave him a gentle smile and took the paint, glancing to the table where a few sheets of paper were resting. She took a nearby brush and dipped it in the paint, running it along the paper idly in the vague shape of a butterfly.

"What's your name?" she asked him, as his silent answer had only gathered her interest.


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