
Oct 11, 2008 00:29

Who: Dexter Morgan, Brian Moser, Jezebel Desraeli
When: Port! You know that hour they have before they're supposed to come back...yup.
Where: A little outside the compound

Dexter's knuckles were white on the wheel... )

brian moser, dexter morgan, jezebel desraeli

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Comments 24

twodaysinblood October 11 2008, 13:15:19 UTC
Brian examined the alien landscape as Dexter pulled the vehicle to stop, wheels shuddering along the rough surface of the planet; the rolling fog hid everything, making the jutting outcrops of unfamiliar black rock look demonic in the yellow headlights. The dark was oppressive. Everything about the atmosphere of this planet set Brian’s teeth on edge. There was something in the air, a feeling of unseen malevolence that was utterly unnerving. Brian shook his head. It wasn’t right for Dexter and himself to be affected like this. They should be the ones exuding quiet malice ( ... )


dreaming_dex October 11 2008, 19:14:39 UTC
Dexter paused for a moment outside the large, hulking vehicle. The landscape really did look like something out of an old scifi flick, and that set off all sorts of danger signs in his mind. Dexter let out a long breath, attempting to organize the thoughts to the back of his head; his mind had to be focused ( ... )


twodaysinblood October 12 2008, 03:19:42 UTC
Brian also switched on his shoulder light, the click and buzz of the globe lighting loud by his ear. He looked around, the flooding shaft of light tracing the rocky ground, cutting a glowing line through the hanging haze. There wasn’t much cover; Brian had been hoping for something more secure, a place they could easily set up and - Protect? Brian thought, frowning, a shiver of fear running up his spine. What from? We haven’t seen anything yet… Dexter was moving towards some large rocks, probably the best spot to set up their workplace; Brian followed him.

The space was much more open than Brian would have liked, but Dexter was right: there was not a lot of choice. He took a perfunctory look around the outside of the structure, quickly returning to his brother. The “walls” would hide their work from a number of sides, and they could cover the largest opening with dark plastic. It would have to do. “We haven’t got time to be choosy,” Brian nodded at Dexter. “It’s the best we’re going to find.” And I don’t want to spend more time out ( ... )


dreaming_dex October 12 2008, 04:21:49 UTC
"I don't... know," Dexter spoke just above a whisper, eyes darting about the murky, unreadable darkness; he disliked having his vision reduced to what his tiny shoulder-light could illuminate. He wanted to move; turn about quick and cast the light over as much darkness as possible; but he knew better. Prey flailed, hunters watched. Dexter began to back-step, one slow careful step at a time, rolling the weight on the balls of his feet so the steps would be silent.

He wound one hand tightly around Brian's wrist, pushing, also backing up so he was close enough to Brian to make his brother step back as well (unless he wanted his feet stepped on, that is). Dexter's back was to Brian, his eyes still peering into the dark little space of the semi-room. Suddenly his heel hit something and he stumbled, only his grip on Brian keeping him up. He looked down, expecting to see rocks-- but they were... eggs.

They were eggs, and one was cracking.


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