Feb 07, 2010 22:07

Who: Ten, Meta-Crisis Doctor
When: close to midnight after the not!superbowl party
Where: Starts in Ten's Room, Ends up in Meta's room (Possibly the infirmary later).
Warnings: The End of Time pt 1 and 2 MAJOR spoilers. Beware of the emo, death, and all around fun ( Read more... )

the doctor (meta crisis), the doctor (tenth)

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Comments 12

metacrisis_ten February 8 2010, 06:10:43 UTC
He was dozing off. It wasn't unexpected, really, he'd left the not-actually-a-superbowl-party weighted down with sweets and tingling with a rather pleasant buzz. Determined to finish cycling up the transmitter he'd been patiently rebuilding since ripping it from the bowels of the Valeyard's TARDIS, the Doctor instead found himself dangerously close to destroying all his delicate work with one sleepy, inadvertent headdesk.

Blue light reflected in his glasses as he clicked from setting to setting on his screwdriver, which emitted its customary whine when he set it to work once more on the concave metal disc. The concave metal disc that dented as it hit the desk not a second later, when his cabin door flew open and struck the wall, startling the man right out of his wits.

"Oi!" Forget sleepy, he'd just ratcheted right up into furiously awake. The Doctor sat up straight in his chair, glaring at the offending party in his doorway. "It's locked for a bloody reason, just what the Hell d'you ( ... )


tenthxdoctor February 8 2010, 06:50:07 UTC
"Please..." was all he was able to choke out, taking another stumbled step inside the other's room.

The Doctor looked scared. He was so incredibly frightened. He wasn’t going to die…he can’t die…why him?! WHY HIM?!

His eyes now looked pleading, like a lost child looking for his mother.

“You’re the only one- AGH!” he clenched his teeth, clutched his shirt, and looked at the Meta-Crisis with all seriousness. “You’re the only one who can do it…”

He stumbled closer to the other man who had backed away, and reached to grab his arm, holding his wrist painfully tight, his eyes looking up at him, using everything in his power to keep from letting his body do what it wanted.

“Help me.”


metacrisis_ten February 8 2010, 07:42:32 UTC
Even in his weakened state, the Time Lord was quick. So quick that the Doctor hated him, feared him as he twisted in the vice-like grip, frantic to get away get away getawayrunrunrunwon't do this can't do this can't CAN'T I CAN'T DO THIS," was his panicked rejoinder. The radiating Artron energy brushed his arm like so many caressing fingers, seeking a more permanent hold. Wrenching himself free, he gave his doppelganger a wide berth and would have scrambled right up the wall if he could.

His fingernails dug into his palms as he paced like a cornered animal, muttering unceasingly to himself before whirling around to shout at the kneeling, pained Time Lord:

"Why should I do this, WHY? I've died once already for you, IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?!" A nearby end table was overturned in his anger and he ran his hands through his hair, looking left and right as though either direction would provide him a convenient exit. "This- this this THIS, Doctor, this is why I'm here to begin with, I can't, can't die, not again-"


tenthxdoctor February 8 2010, 08:12:20 UTC
The Doctor stared at his now empty hand, still glowing, energy wisping about like flames, reaching for the thing it touched. The thing the energy itself had created and recognized ( ... )


(same as Martha- if this is unnecessary, I'll delete when i have a break or get home) a_bit_put_upon February 8 2010, 18:29:53 UTC
(( also, if this shows up as a new comment instead of a reply, sorry- my phone sometimes doesn't give me the right reply link ))

The Doctor heard the plea- the voice was so familiar- and, for once, wasn't too absorbed in his own work to notice. He bolted from the library, barely remembering to bring his reader and regrettably leaving a pile of books behind, and made the mad dash to the point of calling.

He burst through the door, dodging the stretcher, and glanced around at the gathering, his expression a muddy mix of panic, worry and calculation. "What in Rassilon's name is going on?" he denmanded with an imperceptible tremor. "What- why- no, what can I do? Tell me how I can help!". There would be time for judgment and questions later.


ace_hits_daleks February 8 2010, 20:07:35 UTC
Ace hadn't even met either of them yet. Had contact with another tenth incarnation, but that one had acted oddly indifferent to her. She had been wliling to try and give them another chance, but then things had folded in on themselves, transforming almot everyone good into someon 'evil' and... Shame had crept into the equation, making her need some time alone.

And now there was this.

And, as she appeared at the nearest door, something unexpected hit her, because it was like... Like that time in Perivale, when she'd thought him dead. Friend, mentor, father-figure - except... Different?

Ace felt so very lost.

"What... What's goin' on...?"


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