Bernard was busy finding a bottle of wine buried under a few books, Manny's tape player and the odd dirty plate. He looked up, stumbled back over and pulled his wad of money out of his back pocket, "I'm telling you. I got them fair and square. Just like most bankers do." He drunkenly poured them both another glass and moved Otto's dog for him. "You landed on Whitechapel. Aren't you a lucky murder victim?"
Otto glared at Bernard, which was more like glaring at his own feet becausehe couldn't really see straight. "Whitechapel. Fuck. Can't we play the American version? Even this funny money looks wrong."
He groaned loudly and sat up, pulling a button out of his hair and flinging it away. "You are a cheater cheater pumpkin eater."
"I don't have the American version, you idiot, and I'm the one in charge here." He rolled the die and got a two, then pushed the hat along two places, "Mayfair! Fantast... oh, I can't afford it, even with my carefully, uh, financially managed money." That was totally a clue he was cheating, because Bernard couldn't do accounts if his life depended on it.
He paused and had a long drink of his wine, then asked, out of the blue, because his drunken mind went odd places, "Why didn't you shoot me?"
Otto tried rolling the dice and keeping his eyes on the bank at the same time, but he just made himself cross-eyed. He was totally stealing from the bank. He moved the piece along, counting as he went, totally ignoring Bernard's question, "one, two, three, juuuuuust visiting jail..." And he laughed at this, because it seemed really ironic and he was really drunk.
He let out a sigh and pushed the dice across the board. "Because I didn't want to fucking shoot you, that's why."
Comments 36
He groaned loudly and sat up, pulling a button out of his hair and flinging it away. "You are a cheater cheater pumpkin eater."
He paused and had a long drink of his wine, then asked, out of the blue, because his drunken mind went odd places, "Why didn't you shoot me?"
He let out a sigh and pushed the dice across the board. "Because I didn't want to fucking shoot you, that's why."
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