State of the Tucker

Apr 02, 2013 05:55

Work is work.

School is burying me.

Apartment is good.

Nieces are good.

Having trouble getting back to sleep, yet am having trouble making detailed paragraphs.


life, ct life according to teh tucker

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Comments 1

Did I ever tell you.... measanan April 3 2013, 20:22:44 UTC
My closest friends in college - also in my frat - formed a "secret" club called the Night Wombats?

Bowdoin *invented* an independent study major for Kendall - he was clearly going that way, and in 1986, Bowdoin didn't even have a computer department! He was my dear friend, frat brother, and his wedding in the Martha Mary Chapel in Sudbury, MA was amazing.

Yep. Chief Night Wombat...



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