SPN FIC: We'll Find a Way 3/3

Dec 27, 2012 16:08

Title: We’ll Find a Way
Author: last_winterrose
Recipient: jenab
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: A little bit of action, spell casting normal SPN. I guess you can say a little Per!Slash between Gabriel and Sam, and the always wonderful UST Dean/Castiel.
Spoilers: This is kind of an AU of Season Five, so there are mentions of events that take place in Season One through Season Four.
Warnings: Not really, rating is just for adult themed subject and language, and Dean and Gabriel jokes.
Word Count: About 10,200
Notes/Prompts: This was written for team_free_love Secret Lover Exchange Round 3, as a gift for jenab. Using the prompts Sam is the one who needs or has to claim Gabriel. Switching it around from Gabriel doing the claiming.

Summary: While trying to help the Winchester, Castiel learns of a way to at least slow Lucifer down until they can find a way to actually stop Lucifer for good. The problem is that it can only work with another Archangel and the only one that they can find isn't all too willing to help.


Five Months Later

The white light flashed from the demon’s eyes as Castiel vanquished it. He didn’t try catching the body as it fell to the ground; he already knew that the poor human that was force to be the demon’s host was died. He turned as silence fell in the warehouse; Sam was helping Dean up from where a demon had thrown him across the room.

Bodies covered the ground of the warehouse; the few humans that might have been alive with the demons inside of them were now died. That was the downside to the Winchesters using the Clot and Ruby’s dagger. If Sam and Dean hadn’t had been there Castiel could have just release his Grace, freeing all of the human at once but he didn’t want to risk taking the two hunters along with the demons.

“Cass? Are you alright?” Dean shouted to him.

Castiel only nodded, he had started that there was more than just the one demon that they had followed in here but Sam and Dean hadn’t listened to him. They were sure that if they could catch a demon, they would be able to get it to ‘talk’ and tell them everything that Lucifer and Crowley were planning. It seemed though that the demon were on to their plan and had made an ambush for them; one that Castiel was sad to say the Winchesters walked right into.

“Are you two well?”

“Yeah ,” Sam answered, “too bad about our plan. I don’t think we left any of them alive.”

Castiel glanced around the room once more before his eyes landed on the space next to Sam, he was sure that the human didn’t see it but there was a slight shift in the air; as if there were some heat wave by the young hunter. He was going to tell the two but then felt the present of a person that he never would have thought to be there.

“I think it would be wise for us to leave, Crowley will probably be sending reinforcement.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Sam started towards the double doors at the end of the room, picking up Dean’s shotgun as he went. Dean was following behind him, a slowly to normal but Castiel casted it off to just being a little sore from his trip across the room but he knew that even if he asked, Dean wouldn’t let Castiel heal him or Sam; unless it was a fatal wound.

He moved to follow the hunters getting about half way to the door; to here he was standing right next to the shift in air. He waited until they were both at the door before saying, “I’ll meet you back at the motel.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, you can ride in the Impala, there’s room in the back,” Dean said turning to him.

Castiel noticed Dean placing a hand on his back as he turned to Castiel; he nodded, “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll meet you there.” Sam nodded and left with Dean following after a shrugged. Castiel stood where he was as he watched them leave through the doors; he waited until he knew that they were far enough away that they wouldn’t hear him before he spoke. “You know, if you had agreed to our offer, they wouldn’t have been in here to begin with.”

“If Sam had learned from my lesson, who know, Lucifer may still be locked up in the cage.”

“Why are you here Gabriel?” Castiel asked as the space next to him shimmered; the vile that hid the archangel from the Winchesters vanished and allowed Castiel to see his brother’s vessel.

Castiel just stared at him, he was sure that the archangel had a reason for following the Winchester brothers but he was waiting for Gabriel to go first. Gabriel was silent for a few seconds before turning to Castiel. “What do you think of them? I mean, honestly think of them.”

Castiel was a little thrown by the question, “I think them to be good human, they…”

“Cass, I can call you Cass right? That’s what Dean calls you? Anyway, I don’t want to know what the Host thinks of them. I asked what you think of them. There was a reason why you left the Host, you turned your back on Michael and I want to know what that was; and don’t say it was because of the unfinished bond between you and Dean.”

Castiel was again a little bit taking aback, he didn’t think that he was obvious when he was talking to Gabriel last time but then again; he wasn’t sure just how long the archangel had been following them, this was the first time that he noticed the other’s Grace. He thought about the question though, wondering what it was that had made him turn his back on the Host to help the Winchesters. For one thing, he had always believed that all of their Father’s creatures should be treated equally but the way that Zachariah and Michael had been treating Dean was anything but equally. From what he heard from Sam, Lucifer was being more trustful when he was tried to get the young hunter to say ‘yes’ to being his vessel. Lucifer at least hadn’t made a whole world and changed the brothers’ lives to get them to say ‘yes’.

“Well?” Gabriel asked.

Castiel stared at the doors where the hunters had left, “They’re there for each other, putting the other’s well being s. They help people in need without thinking of the dangers that it puts them in. They do it every day of their lives and with no wish of rewards or even a ‘thank you’ from the people that they’ve saved. They stand up for what they believe in and they don’t give up on anything without a fight. They…” he stopped to look at the angel beside him; Gabriel was just staring, listening to what he was saying. “They remind me of you brother, before you left the Host.”

That seemed to hit a nerve; Gabriel quickly looked away, staring at anything but him. The grin that had been forming on his lips was gone and his eyes became a darker gold color. “Yeah, well, that’s in the past and don’t you compare me to those goofballs. I’m nothing like them.”

“You may not see it and Dean would say the same if I told him that but you three are more alike than you think you think.”

“Name two things.”

“You and Dean are both protected of your little brother. I remember how you were during the last battle between Michael and Lucifer; you did everything that was in your power to look after younger angels in the Host, including me. Then there’s Sam…”

“Samsquatch and I have nothing in common.”

“You both ran from your family but then came back…”

Gabriel held up a finger, “I didn’t come back, I was pulled back into this mess and who said that I’m back.”

“Sam was pulled back as well by Dean, when their father went missing and if you weren’t back, you weren’t be here talking to me.”

“You’ve been hanging out with them waaaaaay too much,” Gabriel said. “You’re starting to sound like Dean.”

“How long have you been watching us?”

“Long enough and before you asked, let me point out that I did hide my Grace from you and the Host for a century or two.” He looked down kicking a rock on the ground, “Thanks to your little stunt Michael have been sending angels after me left and right. I’m a little shock that Lucifer haven’t done so as well, send his little Crowley after me.”

“Will you help them?”

“I don’t want to help anyone!” Gabriel shouted, “Not Michael or Lucifer and I didn’t want to help you either.”


“At first,” he pursed, “at first, I didn’t want to help you or the Winchesters. They’ve made a huge mess of my life since the first time I ran into them, sure they were fun for awhile but now, now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I won’t help Lucifer because he wants to kills to Michael and I won’t help Michael because he wants to kills Lucifer and not to mention that they both want this huge battle between Heaven and Hell and that’s going to end badly.”

“Is that one you left?” Castiel asked. He was a little surprise that Gabriel was here, talking to him at all. After the whole thing with summoning him and saying no to helping them, he was sure that he wouldn’t see Gabriel for a few centuries again. “Why you didn’t stay to help us?”

Gabriel looked at Castiel as if he had slapped the archangel, “Castiel…they’re my brothers. Yeah, we call every angels ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ but they really are my brothers. We were the first ones that Father made; the four of us, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and me. You can’t imagine what it felt like when Michael and Lucifer started fighting, when they asked Raphael and me to help them, when Raphael broke our promise and decided to help Michael, or when they pulled all of you younger angels into the battle.”

Castiel listened as Gabriel’s anger slipped into his voice, the older angel’s Grace flared a dark blue and Castiel actually took a step back. “Gabriel…I”

“Don’t Castiel. You ask why I left, you ask why I didn’t stay and help. Well, the answer is that I couldn’t. I couldn’t stay, I couldn’t help; that and I didn’t want to.” Gabriel lowered his head, “I didn’t want to stand against my brothers, even if I had the powers to go up against Michael and Raphael, I didn’t want to. That why I left; and I believed that Father would have taking care of you and the others. I guess I should know better though, the fact that he didn’t stop Michael and Lucifer from going at it should have told me something.”

Castiel stared at Gabriel; although the archangel was older and way more powerful than him, at the moment Castiel felt like he was staring at a child. A child that was lost and alone. The way that Castiel had felt when he started questioning the orders that were giving to him. He reached out a hand, it came inches from touching the top of Gabriel’s head but stopped. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. This was an angel that he had looked up all those centuries ago, Gabriel’s Grace had been blight and beautiful but now, it was dim and dark.


“Well,” Gabriel said, his head snapping up and a smile on his face as if he hadn’t just been went off on Castiel. “You were telling me what you saw in those boys.”

Castiel looked at Gabriel, titling his head, “What is all of this about Gabriel?”

Gabriel sighed, “I’ve been watching you guys and I have to say, they’re nothing like I thought they were. You’re right about one thing, they are goody two-shoes, and so much it kind of makes me sick.”

“If you’re not going to help us…”

“Hold on there,” Gabriel held his finger up. “I didn’t say that.”

“You did when we ask you to let Sam claim you.”

“You caught me by surprise that time but like I said, I’ve been thinking.” Gabriel took hold of his chin and started pacing back and forward as if he was really thinking.

Castiel watched him, he believed that Gabriel might actually be offering to help them and he didn’t want to say anything that might blow that. He quickly reached out through the small bond that he had with Dean, sensing that he had convinced Sam to stop at a drive through before going to the motel. Castiel gave an inward smile; leave it to Dean to believe that a hamburger would solve everything and make all of his wounds stop hurting.

“THAT’S IT!” Gabriel stopped throwing his finger in the air as if he just had a great idea.

Castiel pulled out of the bond, “What’s it?”

“Not here, we need to talk to those goofballs of yours.”

Castiel was about to say something when Gabriel raised his fingers and snapped them.


Sam had offered to drive, Dean didn’t look like he should be behind the wheel but his brother wouldn’t hear of it. Sam had then smiled learning that Dean had only wanted to go to a drive through and get something to eat.

As Dean grabbed the rest of the food from the car and locked the Impala up, Sam moved to their motel’s door and unlocked it. He opened it slowly; seeing that the light was on, he stopped with the door halfway open. “Cass? Is that you?”

“Yes, Sam.”

He glanced over his shoulder to Dean before entering the room but instead of going all of the way, he stopped in the doorway, causing Dean to bump into him. “Dude, Sam! Watch the food!”

“What the Hell? Cass, what is he doing here?” Sam stood still, though he felt Dean leaning around him before his brother took a step to stand next to him. Inside the room Castiel stood next to the bed, looking to the door. On the bed, sitting there, that grin on his face as if he didn’t have a care in the world; was Gabriel. Sam eyed Dean, who was looking towards the dresser where he was keeping one of his many guns.

“He’s here to help Dean,” Castiel said as if knowing what Dean was thinking.

Dean didn’t go for his gun but Sam knew that Dean was still ready to jump for it if Gabriel tried anything. Sam eyes danced between Castiel and Gabriel, he could trust Castiel; the angel had proven that many times but Gabriel…if Castiel trusted him enough to bring him here. Sam slowly moved to the table and took a seat.

“Sam?” Dean whispered as he walked by him.

“Let’s just hear him Dean. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Oh, I don’t know, he could kill me again.”

“Been there, done that,” Gabriel side.

Dean shut the door but he didn’t take his eyes off of Gabriel.

“Dean, I think that Gabriel means well but being here. Please, just let him talk,” Castiel said.

“Why should we? He pretty much told us to go jump off a cliff the last time we talked.”

“Like I told Cassy, I’ve been thinking.”

Sam eyed the archangel; try to study him, to figure out what he was playing at. He really wanted to believe that the angel had just changed his mind and decided to help them but he knew that there was probably something in it for him.

“Unless you the count the fact that that world doesn’t get destroyed and I get to keep my playground then there’s nothing in it for me kido.” Gabriel said looking at Sam.


“My thoughts are these; if I help one of my brothers, the other one get killed and the world gets destroy. I’ll either end up back in Heaven or something else,” he glanced at that part, “and I really like it right here on Earth thank you very much.”

“So then why then help us? You’ll still end up fighting your brothers,” Dean said.

“Will I?”

Sam almost smiled as Gabriel titled his head at Dean, it must be an ‘angel thing’.

“Gabriel is willing to help us,” Castiel said, “but…”

“I knew it. What did I tell you Sammy? There’s always a ‘but’.”

“Dean, please,” Sam waved his hand at his brother trying to calm him down. He looked to the angels by the bed. “What is it Cass?”

Castiel glanced at Gabriel before speaking. “Gabriel has informed me that there is no way to actually kill Lucifer or Michael; unless you are Lucifer or Michael.”

“Wait, so only one or the other can kill the other?” Sam asked.

“Yep,” Gabriel nodded, “and don’t bother asking me. I’m powerful but not that powerful.”

“Then what the hell are we supposed to do?”

“Gabriel has also informed me of a way to stop Lucifer.”

“But you just said…”

“To stop Lucifer, kido, not to kill him,” Gabriel jumped in. “It was a ‘safe-lock’, if you will, that Father put into place.” Gabriel pointed to Sam’s duffle bag in the corner of the room, “The ring that you got from War. How did you get it?”

“How did you know….”

Gabriel sighed, “Do you really have to ask that?”

Sam stood moving to the bag and pulled the ring out of the side pocket inside. He held it up for everyone to see it, “We cut his finger off.”

“That had to hurt,” Gabriel said rubbing his own fingers.

“What does the ring have to do with this?” Dean demanded.

“I’m willing to make a deal with you guys.”

“Oh no,” Dean said, “We don’t make anymore deal with supernatural beings of any kinds.”

“Isn’t that Sammy’s choose?” Gabriel looked to Sam.

Sam looked to Dean; his brother was shaking his head. He knew that Dean was just thinking of his well being but at the same time Gabriel was right, it was his decision to make. He thought back to when Dean had made the deal to save him, it was his turn. “What’s the deal?”

Gabriel didn’t seem to noticed Dean yelling as he smiled at Sam, “I’ll tell you how to go about stopping Lucifer and I’ll let you claim me but it’ll only be the beginning of a claim; I don’t think you would be willing to go through with the whole thing anyway. In return, you’ll only call me for help when you really need it and I won’t actually do any fighting against my brothers, unless Lucifer is trying to get into that pretty skull of yours.” Gabriel stood, moving towards to Sam. Sam saw Dean tensing from the corner of his eyes but he also saw Castiel shaking his head over Gabriel’s shoulder. The archangel stopped in front of him, held up his hand. Sam tensed himself when an angel blade appeared in his other hand but instead of using it on one of them; he ran it across the palm of his hand. Holding it out towards Sam, he could see the blood that ran from the wound glowing a light blue, as if his Grace was trying to escape from his vessel. “So? Do we have a deal?”

Sam glanced at the wound; Castiel had told him before what a claiming would involved but that that was just the beginning of a claim, Sam hadn’t even thought about asking what a whole bond would take. Looking around the room, he saw many different emotions on the three faces in the room. His eyes landed back on Gabriel’s hand before locking with the gold ones of the archangel. This is what they had set out to do five months ago and now with a simple yes or no from him, they would be able to stop Lucifer. “You promise?”

“Angel deals are nothing demon deals Sammy, except for the whole kissing thing; we keep ours.”

Sam sighed and reached down for the dagger that he kept in his boot, he saw Castiel moving to stop Dean from stopping him. He studied the dagger for a second before running it across his own hand as he stood. He fought back the small cry of pain as the blood broke free from his skin and started running over his palm. He took one more look around the room; Dean was shaking his head, Castiel just stood there watching, and Gabriel kept his hand out. Sam took a step closer to the archangel; he hadn’t really realized how short Gabriel was to him until he was standing right in front of him. He leaned down to where their lips were inches about. Sam took hold of Gabriel’s hand, he could feel their blood mixing together as warmth ran through him. He leaned the rest of the way locking their lips together in a quick kiss before pulling back, a little shocked that Gabriel had a smile on his lips. Keeping their hands together, Sam tighten the hold, “We have a deal.”


word count: 10000-15000, fandom: cw supernatural, character: castiel, character: gabriel, type: fan fiction, challenge: secret lover exchange, character: dean winchester, character: sam winchester, rating: pg-13

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