Oct 20, 2009 22:52
hello everyone!! as you all now there is virtually almost non-existent sales of j-rock goods in the philippines. so i want to propose a community for us to be able to buy and sell products from one another or from online stores.
i know it's really hard and disappointing sometimes to see items being sold online that can only be bought by paypal so we have to ask beg if we could pay in concealed cash.
so to make it simple, i will sell at the community "pre-sale" items from guruguru. (pre-sale items means that i still don't have the items but will order them after the payments have been received) wether i will put a quota of Php5,000 per order or place a cut-off date will depend on how many will respond to this post.
help is really needed and appreciated. thanks.
** i guess i confused some people regarding the quota. i just want to make it clear that the it is a batch order. ^^ i will wait 'til all of the orders i received summed up to 5,000. so it's not a per person order but a per batch order.