Title: The Lightning Storm
Fandom/Claim: Lost/Daniel Faraday
Rating: PG
Prompt: 3. Equilibrium
Summary: When it rains, he can almost remember what he has lost
It’s raining.
It rains a lot here in… erm… England. It rains an awful lot in England.
There was a lot of rain somewhere else, too. Rain… and the Queen of Diamonds, the, uh, three of clubs, and the… It always stops there.
When it rains, I can almost grasp what I’m losing to physics. Not that I’d have changed anything, besides getting a helmet.
The rain. I was falling in the rain. And eyes like rain. A flash of red. I don’t think I liked this place, this memory. Except for the blue eyed woman. I think I cared for her. The red Queen of Diamonds.
I-I’m sorry. I tend to get foolish sometimes. I think I cared a lot for this woman. She was - I think I’m getting closer to it now - she was intelligent… and… I’m reaching, and its right there. I know that it is right there. She was…
It’s raining, and the door just slammed. I think I’ve just lost something again. I think I was close to whatever I was looking for. A woman, my caretaker, is folding up her umbrella, saying something about the weather.
Rain reminds me of something. Something far away, and I wish I could remember it. I wish I knew why I dream of rows of cards and the Queen of Diamonds.