Just another Sunday night

Apr 26, 2009 19:57

It's been a reasonably productive weekend. I started a game of Final Fantasy XII Friday night so that Mike could watch all the plots, which has been going well so far. I'm in Bhujerba, and abusing the Shunia Twinspan in the Lhusu Mines for all it is worth. (I saved the levelgrinding to do when he was not here. It sure made some of the boss ( Read more... )

final fantasy xii, dcp: easter game, final fantasy tactics advance 2

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lassarina April 27 2009, 01:17:34 UTC
More amusing for any observers than for me, I'm sure, given squeaking, swearing, twitching, and general carrying-on that was a result. XD


shanaqui April 27 2009, 01:42:03 UTC
I actually really liked levelling up in FFXII. I normally read while levelling up anyway, but gambits made it so easy...


lassarina April 27 2009, 01:43:50 UTC
I'm okay if people will hang out and chat with me either internetsly or RL-like while I'm doing so, but I get bored SO EASILY these days. It makes DDS/Persona a bit of a struggle sometimes.


shanaqui April 27 2009, 01:44:57 UTC
DDS/Persona is quite a challenge to my reading-while-levelling-up skills.


sgreenwell April 27 2009, 04:12:06 UTC
I agree, especially since you can set up an unbreakable loop at some point in one of the dungeons.

You can do the same thing in DDS1, although 1) you actually have to keep your finger on the button and 2) it's much slower and less lucrative.


a_leprechaun April 27 2009, 02:19:41 UTC
Dreamwidth open to the public in a matter of days! WOOT WOOT!


lassarina April 27 2009, 04:13:40 UTC
Yee-ha! :D :D :D


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