Oh shit.

Sep 20, 2008 13:39

IJ Kinkfest might kill me (I SEE WHAT YOU PEOPLE ARE DOING, BAITING ME WITH FF4) and oh God I just remembered het_challenge for IJ and it's due in 10 days and I am so fucked because I haven't started ANY of them oh God. Um. Fuck.

....This should be fun! At least I only claimed my pet pairings...?

oops, sexual relations with waterfowl, writing: fanfic, oh fuck

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Comments 6

lady_venn September 20 2008, 18:55:16 UTC
Oh, there are some FFXII ones I've done to bait several people at once. Is so much fun. :P

Heh. Yeah. I should be working on that het_challenge fic, too. Well, that's what the day off is for....


lassarina September 20 2008, 18:56:55 UTC
I, um, have three.

Good thing I word-vomit well under deadline.



tinamachina September 20 2008, 20:11:57 UTC
I have a list of possible twelve claims on IJ kinkfest, 'cause they are shiny like whoa!


lassarina September 20 2008, 20:13:03 UTC
*dies of cute at your icon*

My list is down to four, now. Also Persona 3 prompts were either eating my brain or squicking me so hard I wanted to click the back button on principle.


arex September 21 2008, 01:13:45 UTC
I hope Arisato x Toriumi was somewhere in there, Meg. :D

[Obligatory joke about Minato earning extra credit]


lassarina September 21 2008, 22:26:33 UTC
It might well have been, but it wasn't what pinged me.

Akihiko/Mitsuru OTP, yo.


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