Ficbits of varying lengths

Dec 02, 2007 00:30

So I've been owing folks these ficbits since August. I fail.

5xFF6, 3xFF12, 1xFF8, 1xFF9/FF12 crossover. Spoilers through Leviathan for FF12 and through Albrook for FF6. None, really, for FF8.

Final Fantasy VI

For shanaqui, "Making One's Peace" Celes and Terra, G

Making One's Peace )

final fantasy vi, final fantasy ix, ficbits, final fantasy xii, final fantasy viii, fanfic

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Comments 4

thenicochan December 2 2007, 20:25:36 UTC
Wow, so many great ficlets! The Celes/Sabin fic was hiliarious, the Ashe/Beatrix was really awesome (Crossover FTW), and the Vaan/Penelo takes the cake (or baby, or...whatever.) <3


lassarina December 2 2007, 20:32:08 UTC
Heeee. I used to ship Celes/Sabin, way back in the day. Mostly by proxy of shipping me/Sabin. ^_^; I'm glad you liked!!


mithrigil December 3 2007, 01:37:42 UTC
Just a general EEEE--but seriously, Ashe/Beatrix. And mine. God I love his demeanor at that age.


lassarina December 3 2007, 13:42:24 UTC
Ashe/Beatrix makes me squeal, a lot.

Yours so totally ran away with me XD


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