a well-fed Meglet is a contented Meglet

Feb 28, 2017 20:13

Last Saturday I got my hair cut!

I super love it and I think it's intensely adorable.

The rest of the weekend was kind of quiet. I spent 4 very frustrating hours in FF14 Saturday afternoon, trying and failing to get stuff done and not accomplishing it at all. One adventure included timing out of Titan EX, during which we went through three tanks besides myself; the first one dropped, then we got a player with the mentor crown, who proceeded to run one attempt, yell at us all, and quit; then we got another player whom I happen to actually know. I was doing a terrible job, and as I said, we did time out which was incredibly frustrating, but Titan EX is a special circle of hell.

It did get better from there. Paladin and I went out for a Fancy Dinner, for no better reason than I felt like going out, but as it turned out he had just had his review and it was good and came with a raise, so it ended up being a bit of a celebration.

We came home and spent some time in FF14, dragging him through some content and I made progress where I'd been failing before. Sunday was equally chill; I watched him play some of Dishonored 2 and had Feelings about the Kaldwins, and did a lot of grinding in Bravely Second, since I'm at the end and maxing out all jobs before I actually finish the plot.

Sunday night, my friend M was gracious enough to run me through Dun Scaith in FF14, at which I was pretty bad but we had a party full of mentors actually behaving like mentors, being friendly and welcoming and giving explanations and not minding that I was new and dumb.

At that point, paladin went out to take down the trash, and discovered that I had left my car's dome light on (the valet had actually turned on the headlights, which I never do - I let the auto-headlight thing do its thing - and so I had turned on the dome light to figure out where the hell the switch was to turn them back OFF.) Naturally, the battery was dead. He jumped it and we let it run a good fifteen or twenty minutes, and then confirmed it would start again, and came back in.

Well, yesterday morning, the car would not start. ._. I texted my boss that I'd be a bit late and hustled to the bus, thence downtown, to discover that boss was out sick and that left me and a coworker responsible for the new hire starting that day, so that was certainly A Way to start the week. (It was fine; boss sent us the general schedule of what she wanted, and new hire seems pretty self-sufficient.) We took her out to lunch, as we do with new team members, and then I ended up walking home from the train, since it was reasonably warm and not raining and it's only about 3 miles. (In related news, I got 13,000 steps yesterday.) After that, I was not much interested in doing anything useful or cooking, so we ordered Mexican and caught up on the backlog of Blindspot.

Today was much the same; I ran a meeting for requirements, and got to express my Strongly Held Opinions about web design needing to have accessibility features in a forum where they might actually be heeded. I didn't do as much walking, because it's the second flood out there (Husband was going to stop and get me a new car battery, but changed his mind when the deluge started; we are under tornado watch and tomorrow is supposed to be snow and hi, winter, I'm really quite over you, thanks.) But I did come home and make dinner (kielbasa with fried potatoes and baked beans), so there's that.

And now, video games :D

I've posted this at http://lassarina.dreamwidth.org/1174256.html and you may comment there or here. On Dreamwidth, this entry has

boco, hair, final fantasy xiv, car

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