A few days ago, Woodland Press released Legends of the Mountain State 2. It's an anthology of stories based on ghost legends from West Virginia folklore and is edited by Michael Knost
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If there is a second volume and you need a story to work with let me know. I am from WV and have a store of family stories about haunts and such, many never collected by folklore folk. Serial killers in the family, bodies under the floor boards, ghostly lights, fights with bears(and chimps), and all sorts of unusual stuff.
Thanks for this. I was born in West Virginia but have been gone a very long time. I can't wait to read this anthology. You're so right about critiques and what writers go through to interpret, "I didn't like the character." into "If you give me more of what the character is feeling in reaction to his surroundings, I would better be able to sympathize and understand him." Critiquing is an art and can take as long to master as writing itself--but if you can figure out the deeper problems of why someone else's story doesn't work, it makes your own writing so much better.
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