Tour of NZ - Day 3: Wanaka - Omarama

Apr 13, 2015 21:02

Today was a beautiful ride through the Lindis Pass which was covered in snow.

At 3am I heard that it was raining outside and it was not good sign. However when we woke up at 6 the sky was clearing out.

Everyone was excited to race with a snow backdrop. Especially the offiical photographer Scottie T, some photos in theis post are his copyright ( other astonishing photos from the day can be found via this link

The start is just at waterfront where the jaw drops...

Nigel and I look aliens. We are riding the same pace and try to stick together. Wellington forza!

The plan for today is a 113km ride with more a less flat section for the first 70km and then a big climb to 1000m and then downhill to the finish line.

This time the sequence of start is changed. First the teams rush off and then individuals. This allows individuals riding in their own groups rather than hooking up to team backs.

Nigel & I are in the in leading group and with yesterday's guidance from coach Pauls organise the rotation going. When doing this properly I'm deeply satisified by the team work!

The first 70km go quite smoothly. The early sun acompanies us and the leading group keeping together. We bypass some of slower teams. When Paul the Coach joins our team we got a bit faster and it is hard for some in the group to keep up (I'm not exception) - Paul just drags the entire peloton, he has the power!

The real challenge and beauty start when we hit the climb.

Our group spreads out.

Just 1km till the top I fall back a bit leaving Nigel and David get away. David is current leader of the individual classifcation.

The organizers managed to get the local sweeping truck clear the snow out of the road. When we hit the summit we see the snow on the curb but not on the road. The temprature at the top is around 3 degrees celcium - I still feel much warmer than yesterday since there was no rain. Carefull and smooth decent awaits.

David tries to get away from Nigel but being caught by him.

The final downhill was the best part according to many of the racers. Dropping from 1000m to 400m for 30km. I caught up with Tim James and we were chasing wildely the first bunch: David, Nigel & Jonh. With very good support from team Downers we managed to finish behind only 26 seconds form them. This time I didn't miss the finish sprint.
Results of the day: 5th, still 3rd in the individual's general classifcation.

This is the 5 minute footage from my action camera today - I've tried a wider angle option which I beleive looks quite good. Enjoy!

image Click to view

Our stay for the night is Tekapo - fantastic place in middle of South Island. Unfortunatelty it is snowing down here so I can not view neither the lake neither the tallest mountain in New Zealand - Mt Cook.

Another great day of riding and my bike is in great shape!

Please don't forget to support my charity organization via this page

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