Tour of NZ - Day 2: Arrowtown - Wanaka

Apr 12, 2015 21:18

Today was the first big climb of the race - Crown range with very tough conditions for racing. 700m of climbing almost to 1100m and pouring rain.

In morning it was raining quite heavily so it not clear if we are doing the full race to Wanaka or it is going to be stopped and timed at the top an the top of the hill to avoid racing on wet downhill section!

In the morning the usual routine of packing my stuff and bike to the van.

We drive 10 minutes from Swiss Resort hotel to Arrowtown where the start will be. The initial plan to ride recreationaly from Queenswtown to Arrowtown was dropped off because of the weather.

15 min till the start - the weather looks pretty miserable.

Today we had a mass start just below the Crown Range climb - the uphill will put everyone on its own place. Luckily enough I managed to get second to the top of the hill among the individuals. This is where I should probably say thank to Bike Barn for the race bike that I have. First of all i just discovered it has 11 speed shifter on the back ( I used to have only 9 on my old one) ...and there is more.... 28 on the lowest geat! Bloody good surprise on 700m climb :) When I though I was on the lowest gear - I could shift one gear down. Also it turned out to be easier climbing on carbon bike rather on aluminium. On the downhill even in the rain the brakes did provide the stability and control needed. What else can I say - ina  race every details counts!

There was not much footager from the action camera today which allowed to edit a quick clip whichopefully can reflect that the race condition were tough! Enjoy it together with a piece of russian soundtrack called "10 drops of rain".

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I'll have to extend my photos with professional ScottieT's shoots from the race day. His other work can be viewed on the facebook

Yes, it was soaking wet, and some racers were feeling cold on the downhill especially. Claire was using plastic gloves on top the gloves :)

It was one of the times when the forecast was accurate up to 1 hour with the most rain expected around 9-10am. For me it wasn't cold during the race but only when we stopped after the finish line.

I really enjoyed the last 40km when we were riding as a team by good supervision of Coach Paul. He is from organizing team and is elite cyclist. He helped us arrange a rotation going which in turn allowed us to faster. There is no I in the TEAM. However there is an I in the finishing sprint which I have missed :) I was having my banana and though it was the 5km sign but it was a 1km one :) Epic fail, but still happy to arrive 6 seconds behind second place! I'm third in the overall classification being English guy David and Nigel form Wellington ( we have formed of mini-team with him already!).

Now the funny part - with an early start of 8am at 10am we have finihsed and arrive at Wanaka Hotel where people are jsut checking out and we desperately want if not to check in but at least to get warm! The firepalce in the nearest cafe helps!

This is how Nigel & I arrive at the reception. Our bags and clothes are still 1 hour from arriving at the hotel.

We kill time by having a massage which helps as keep worm!

Fianlly we checkin and guess what - the sun is out!

With so much time left I get out to enjoy the city and do some easy ironman training on other than cycling discplines. Wanaka township - isn't this just beautiful?

Forest patch in Wanaka.

For the 3pm easy recovery run I'm accompanied by Claire and Katie from our virtual "we ride in the same budget van" team. With the pace set up by sub3hr marathon finisher (Claire) and 2 times ironman finisher (Katie) I quickly acknowledge that this ain't an easy run. I just focus on the views which are absolutely amazing - Lake Wanaka and Mt Aspiring.

Love the autumn colours here.

Running with such an epic scenery - we can do it all day long!

We follow the Millenium track which runs across the western side of the Wanaka lake.

We see the snowpeaks in front of us, we feel the chilly southerly blowing, we see the lake...

...we are happy.

Tomorrow - Lindis Pass, potential snow, first over 100 km ride although the race stage is tentative at the moment. it will be decided tomorrow morning.

PS. As a bonus - official video from the first day ride is astonishing! Especially the sloooooooooooow mooooootion...

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