Tour of NZ - Steward Island Prologue

Apr 10, 2015 20:51

The oficial race start is only tomorrow but a limited number of racers were offered the great opportunity to go to the third biggest NZ Island to do a 30km prologue.

To get there we had to load our bikes into the ferry which goes through the Foveaux Strait.
We arrive with out bikes in a bit chilly Bluff but with nice sunny view.

All luggage on the ferry goes into containers. So we load the bikes in there.

Using carton as protection for the carbon.

Then the containers are covered (it gets quite bumpy and water splashes all other the place). The dockers move the containers to the ferry...

... and a small crane on the boat is used to load them.

All packed up and ready!

Stewart Island is 1 hour away from Bluff, but a really bumpy ride in the almost open ocean!

Simon Yarrel, the race organizor broke hid collar bone just 10 days before the race so he is not racing himself. He is giving a safety briefing and advising not to repeat his mistakes.

Some interesting facts about this Island:
  • It is the same size as Lake Taupo, 85% is a national park.
  • Population is 400, this hasn't changes much in the last 20 years.
  • There are 64 business on the island, most of the accomodation.
  • There is approximately 20km of roads and we will be riding 8km of those.
  • The power is provided from a diesel generator, costs $.063 a unit, about 3-4 times more expensive than on mainland
  • most expensive petrol in the country - $2.83/litre
  • To walk the Northen Circuit and the South West Circuit which takes you around half if thge island takes between 11 and 14 days.
  • The island is home to many rare NZ native birds as Tui, Kereru, Kaka, Kakariki, Kiwi and Weka.

Now we perform the bike unpacking operation in reverse order.

Very rare place to be cycling but this is exactly what makes this event so special!

The Stewart Island stage is organizes by Chrix Cox who is regulary orginizing the Christchurch marathon.
Stewart Island

The organization is great and love the family atmosphere. The whole island is gathered to support and welcome the cyclists.

The ride is around 28km with 2 laps of the same road. There are some steep short hills with gnarly narrow road sections.

The start is on the runway with awesome views toward the Island inland.

The organizers told us that this stage  is not a race, just a recreational ride. But once you have marshals on the road with leading car and other races the temptation is so big!

There was a nice long section along the Horseshoe Bay where you can safely use the aerobars. The ride on my new race bike was very comfortable - manged to stay in the leading group.

Could not resists the temptation and sprint to the finish line finishing together with Nigel who happened to be also from Wellington. The toilet paper around my chest - is the torn finish line :)

The celebrity of the event Katie gives an interview.

One of her BIG achievements - she crossed the atlantinc by herself in a rowing boat when she was 21 (it took her 70 days)

The race was followed by spot prizes  - Nigel & I got the TourofNZ branded socks for sharing the 1-2 place.

Sausage sizzle provided

Team talk after this stage.

Interesting advice on the sickness on the way back on ferry.

The police car helps to transport the bikes back from Bluff to Invercargill - very kiwi thing to do!

Tomorrow the race starts officially!

You can check the full TV coverage over here:
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