Hey... you can still submit icons for Challenge 11. So far there are still only three entries :(( I know you can do better than that. The due date is this friday 23 at 10 pm MET, which should be about 4 pm CST.
...as we have only 4 icons submitted til now i decided to extend this challenge for one more week. I'm sure there are some more members who want to submit their beautiful icons^^. The new due date is now next friday, 23th sept.
here is the midweek reminder for the current challenge that you can find here. So far we have only one contribution and I hope there will be some more soon because I have seen that we have so many great iconmakers here :)
Ok, as you don't seem to submit your ideas or react to my last post here is the new challenge and i hope you like the pics/bases i provide and submit many icons ^_^.
this is Ulrike. I'm the new moderator of this challenge community. As you might have noticed I took this community over from blowqueen. And I'm going to post new challenges soon. I hope you still want to participate. And therefore I'd like some of your ideas what you wanna do to bring this community alive again *g
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It's been two weeks and we only have three entries. If I do not get five or more tomorrow night then I'm closing the community unless someone would like to take over. So please submit your entries before the deadline - Challenge Ten.