Ridiculously overdue update (as the end of the year is almost with us...)

Dec 30, 2015 11:41

Since I’m coming to the end of my break from (paid) work (five and a bit days off over the Christmas period is almost triple what I managed last year!), it’s about time for a long-overdue update. The Christmas holiday has been pleasant enough: we spent the day itself at my sister’s place and, after a pause on the Saturday, the Sunday evening at A’s ( Read more... )

work, holiday, family, clubs, films, books, bleeding heart liberal, art/culture, gigs, life stuff

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Comments 2

prunesquallormd January 6 2016, 20:15:03 UTC
what was so bad about the Daily Mail, anyway…

That question always blindsides me. It always seems like it should be obvious!

Have a wonderful belated New Year and thank you so much for the pressies.
Sorry I haven't replied to your email yet. I was in the US till Sunday night and still frazzled. I'll be in touch soon, hopefully :)


lareinemisere January 6 2016, 22:45:01 UTC
Hope your New Year was good, too. I'll look forward to an update. :)


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