L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour 2012 - Hong Kong, March 3rd, 2012 (Sat)

Mar 03, 2012 17:24

Hello all, long time no see :)
Since today L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour starts, shall we make a post for each city like we did for L'Anniversary Tour in Japan before? :D
Soo, if you find any updates; information, pictures from the fans, reports from twitter or blogs or etc, comments, set list, videos, everything you can find please write a comment in this entry~~~
Do you think Hyde will continue to give a nickname to the audience? And the first thing I want to know is...please tell me if there's braids or not :D scratch that, Hyde STILL with braids -____-
Looking forward to all of your comments guys..

Hong Kong, Are You Ready? \^O^/

Press Conferences :

Setlist :

01. いばらの涙 [Ibara no namida]
02. chase
03. Good Luck My Way
04. honey
05. drink it down
06. Revelation
07. 瞳の住人 [Hitomi no Jyuunin]
08. XXX
09. Forbidden lover
10. My Heart Draws a Dream
-ken MC-
11. Seventh heaven
12. Driver’s high
13. Stay away
14. Ready steady go -yukihiro drum solo-
15、あなた [Anata]
16. Winter fall
17. 4th Avenue Cafe
18. link
-hyde MC-
19. 虹 [Niji]

Website Reports :
- natalie.mu http://natalie.mu/music/news/65483
(English translation here http://neo-ark.com/live-reports/larcenciel-world-tour-2012-day-1-hong-kong/ )
- excite.co.jp http://www.excite.co.jp/News/music/20120304/E1330822403396.html

Fans Reports :
http://sandglass.me.ht/picture/12/0303.php (MC translation)
http://www.tetsuya-uk.org/worldtour/?p=24 (more photos and videos)

Pictures :
Jack Eyes - 2012.03.03 Hong Kong

I encourage you to read ALL the comments because there are a lot of pictures, videos, and reports from the fans XD

concert reports, tour: world tour 2012, pictures: other

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