The Dresden Files - Fic: Why?

Mar 06, 2011 17:37

Title: Why?
Author: Lara Beckinsale
Beta: the worderful strikske <3u
Fandom: The Dresden Files (bookverse)
Characters: Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All belongs to Jim Butcher, I’m just playing around.
Summary: Harry watches over a friend.
Spoilers: Proven Guilty

When we are kids, we start our lives full of curiosity for the new world that we are discovering every day. )

dresden files

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Comments 8

sarian71 March 7 2011, 06:53:51 UTC
It was lovely to get a glimpse of Harry's thoughts on how he sees Karrin. I liked the contemplative mood of this very much!


larabeckinsale March 14 2011, 23:09:09 UTC
Thank you! :D I was afraid of it being a bit too sappy.


debris4spike March 7 2011, 08:02:40 UTC
Beautiful insight into Harry's thoughts on Karrin.

I think that many people can relate to this relationship ... and certainly to that last sentance - "I'm afaraid of the answer"


larabeckinsale March 14 2011, 23:09:46 UTC
Definitely. Thank you for reading honey :D


hyde_the_body March 29 2011, 00:13:13 UTC
This is stunning! I love how you got right into Harry's head. He's always been the deliberate, contemplative sort when it comes to interpersonal relationships, I think.

Thank you for this little treasure!


larabeckinsale March 29 2011, 03:51:34 UTC
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this... I've been part of the BtVS fandom for a long time and we take a lot of liberties there so I'm always a little afraid that my Dresden fics would turn out too OOC for the taste of this particular fandom. Thank you, I'm so happy you have enjoyed this little thing. And feel free to check this journal, I have a couple of more things (a bit more ammateur-ish though) that maybe you could find entertaining.

I plan to have something new soon too. :D


hyde_the_body March 29 2011, 03:59:51 UTC
I'm a firm believer of leaving comments for awesome work. And as soon as I finish writing up something I'm working on 9damn it, I need to stop procrastinating and just finish it already!) then I'd love to read more. I've recently rediscovered my love of the Dresden Files. Or rather had it reaffirmed.


larabeckinsale March 29 2011, 10:19:30 UTC
Thank you again :D *blushes* and yay for reaffirming the Dresden love! I love it more and more every day.

Well, you're welcome to stop by anytime. And I hope things go great with your writing. Btw, what do you write?


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