Fic: Somewhere, There Are Birds Singing (Fraction!verse)

Jul 13, 2013 20:03

Title: Somewhere, There Are Birds Singing
Fandom: Fraction's Hawkeye comic 'verse (but with a touch of movie!verse for sweetness)
Characters: primarily Clint and Kate but there's a visit from Tony and Steve
writerverse Table of DOOM Prompt: 05. sweets
Prompt: I have two! roadtrip from redbrunja at the Avengers Rare Pair but it turned into a buddy-fic instead of a ( Read more... )

writerverse, fraction!verse, 2013, avengers

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Comments 2

alphaflyer July 14 2013, 12:32:39 UTC
Love it. I'll never quite understand why they call Kate "Hawkeye" as well (yes, I know the history, but still ...) and Fraction!Clint seems quite a different character from MCU Clint, but I do like those comics a lot on their own merit. And you have totally captured their spirit here. :-)

PS: Loved Steve and Tony turning up.

PPSS: check out Astrid V's fan comic on her LJ!!

Edited to change to more suitable icon. ;-)


sweetwatersong July 14 2013, 12:59:33 UTC
\o/ I'm so glad you liked my snippet of conversation! And poor Kate - I don't think eating a whole bag of Cheetos could end well in any situation, let alone in a holding cell. :)


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