...if our love is tragedy...

May 27, 2013 20:11

gacked from mfirefly10

Do you see the blood on my chest? It's from the spikes of perfection that this song stuck into my heart, twisting around and around until I'm not sure if it's blood or tears on my cheeks.

image Click to view

(Yes, I'm really rather sappy about this fusion right now!)

youtube, 2013, doctor who

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Comments 9

hanorganaas May 28 2013, 02:23:53 UTC
Oh fudgecakes my River and Doctor Feels are going NUTS! Seeing that video


lar_laughs May 28 2013, 02:27:49 UTC
THIS, of anything I've seen or read lately, has made mine go through the roof!!!!


hanorganaas May 28 2013, 02:31:30 UTC
Oh god I know the feeling. WHY DID THIS RELATIONSHIP HAVE TO BE SO TRAGIC....I just want to pretend everything is happpy between them and nothing hurts.


lar_laughs May 28 2013, 03:30:24 UTC
He DOES have a time machine. I like to think that River has met many incarnations of the Doctor throughout her life. Even if he feels as if he's never gotten enough of her, I think she's has a life full of him.

It's all I've got at the moment.


daxcat79 May 28 2013, 03:16:14 UTC
Back to my corner to cry now... I'll see you next tuesday or something. Ugh....


lar_laughs May 28 2013, 03:31:20 UTC
*hands out tissues* I know. I know.


mfirefly10 May 28 2013, 04:29:45 UTC

I LOVE that we rec'd this video on the same day. THE FEELS and how I can't even handle them. I have tracked down almost every D/R vid based on 7x13 and it's still not enough to stop the ache in my shipper heart. I would try vidding myself but I'm still a bit emotional for that.


lar_laughs June 4 2013, 04:00:15 UTC
It wasn't a coincidence! I just forgot to credit you for bringing it to my attention. *blushes*

I can't imagine having to vid these moments between the two! You'd have to cry the entire time and that's hours upon hours of tears!

While everyone has been a frenzy about the news about Matt, my one question has been, "But Alex will be back, right?" I mean, I love Matt but you can't have Doctor/River without Alex!


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