FIC: Educating the Captain (or Five New Things Steve Learned) - 1/5

May 12, 2012 10:35

The bug has bitten. Unfortunately, it's just the idea bug and nothing that's going to inspire me to device a costume to hide my true identity. This is my second story in the Avengers universe. What do you think? Am I doing okay? To feel comfortable writing in a certain universe, I have to immerse myself in it. Having seen The Avengers three times and all the other movies at least once, I'm getting pretty close to immersion.

Title: Educating the Captain (or Five New Things Steve Learned) - 1/5
Fandom: Marvel!movie 'verse
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Beth the waitress (supposedly someone was able to read her nametag so I'm going with that name)
Prompts: five things at writerverse, ask nicely at
5_prompts, don't belong at
caffeinatedmagic April table, Just In the Nick of Time at avengers_table Cliche table - look at me pulling a rinkafic!
Word Count: 1410
Rating: PG
Summary: Something has to happen to get the Captain out of his funk. A good talk with Bruce sends him on the path toward (we hope) healing.

Steve had long since given up hope on being normal. He was vastly behind on anything resembling modern culture, usually looking like an idiot whenever anyone brought up anything to do with television or a computer. There were things on TV that had merit, even he could admit, but he couldn't get over the bright colors and crisp images that begged to be touched. The very first time he'd sat down in front of a screen, he'd embarrassed himself by lurching forward to slap at a swarm of bees he thought were stuck inside the box. Thankfully, no one had been about for this embarrassment.

Since they seemed about for every other embarrassment, he'd taken to carrying a book with him around the hellicarrier, to use as a shield if anyone tried to interact with him. It was lonely, being alone in even the largest crowd, but he was intent on keeping further embarrassments at bay. This might have gone on for some time if Dr. Banner hadn't decided to try out the equipment in the lab.

"Finally run through all of Stark's toys?" Nick Fury asked in way of greeting.

The man shrugged, as unflappable as always, but there was the barest hint of a smile on his lips. "You're the only one on this planet with a X-Ron box. I promise not to break it."

"What's mine is yours. Have at it, Doctor." Having gone through the pleasantries and confirmed the reason for the man's visit, Fury turned back to the bridge. Agent Hill gave Dr. Banner an appraising look but she was silent, her gaze taking in everything as was her job.

"Doctor." Steve held out his hand to the man, pleased when he received a wide smile in response. "I hear you've been keeping yourself busy."

"And I hear you've read most of the library here."

"Beats boxing for sixteen hours every day."

Bruce's smile never faltered but he did shake his head ruefully. "I'm not the person to tell you to face your battles face on, Steve, but I have to admit that this isn't the best place to hide. Here, right on the edge of the action."

That made Steve pause before bouncing back a retort. He'd never thought of it like that but he was right on the edge of the action. S.H.E.I.L.D.'s flying fortress was where a lot of tactical decisions were made, right or wrong. Just because he'd taken himself out of the action didn't mean that he'd moved away from the point of origin for that same action. Funny, he hadn't thought about it much before Bruce brought it up. Now that he did, Steve wondered if his subconscious had kept him here instead of holed up in his apartment where, even he had to admit, he was likely to sleep himself to death. His dreams of Peggy were still too real.

"I'll let you get to your work." Steve couldn't keep the hurt from roughening his voice even though he hadn't meant to cause the flush of shame to creep into Bruce's eyes.

"You could come hang out with-"

"No. That's... just... no. I'm fine."

But Bruce wasn't excepting his words. He wouldn't, knowing something about running away from pain. "You didn't run away, Captain. That's something. Don't be so hard on yourself. What happened to you... well, our lives really aren't the sort of comforting stories little kids read and hope to attain some day. We're nightmares, not day dreams. But you didn't run away. Not like I did. Not like I want to every day. That has to mean something."

"I don't belong here." The words, nothing new, came out unbidden. Steve hadn't meant to offer any excuses for his behavior but the words just tumbled out. They were always right on the cusp of being said, an excuse for his bad moods. It was the cowards way out, to hold on to the words like a talisman. It was embarrassing that he wasn't stronger.

"You're right. You don't. Not on this ship. Out there, yes." Bruce pointed out the large windows that dominated the bridge, deliberately misunderstanding Steve's words. When he pointed, Steve found himself following the direction of Bruce's finger, staring out over the vast stretch of land they flew over. "There's a world out there that you haven't explored since you woke up. A world that's strange and beautiful and full of people who think they don't belong. Life is like that sometimes. It's messy and harsh and wonderful. Give it a chance before you sequester yourself away."

Before Steve could open his mouth to answer, Bruce was walking away. It was childish to call out, to bring him back so he could retaliate in kind, inflicting just as many wounds as he'd just received. Steve didn't know which surprised him more - that he didn't say a word or that he found himself actually giving the words merit. Maybe it was time to unbury himself once again.


"I told them I didn't need... oh, excuse me."

Steve looked down at the woman he was holding the door open for. She blinked several times, her eyes growing fuzzy as she tried to place him. At least she wasn't eyeing him as if he was covered in a candy coating that she wanted to lick off. Most women he'd encountered so far on his travels were far too brazen. This one was different only that she didn't immediately smile the "come hither" smile that made him feel like a piece of meat.

Without even bothering to end the call, the woman closed the cover of her cell phone and dropped it into her pocket, her eyes never leaving his face. "I know you."

"I don't think so, ma'am."

Her eyes went soft and dreamy. "I do. That voice. I know you." He watched as recognition widened her eyes and colored her cheeks. Immediately, her eyes dropped as if she knew she was being too bold. It was an old-fashioned gesture that he'd rarely seen. "You're... him."

While he could have sidestepped the fact that she seemed to have finally recognized him and, most likely correctly, Steve found himself wanting to have the woman smile at him again. It was refreshing to be appreciated without being sexualized at the same time. Instead of taking the invitation she was giving him to walk away, he held out his hand. "Steve Rogers, ma'am."

"Beth. My name is Beth. Beth-"

Before she could finish speaking, the sharp retort of an emergency siren filled the air. Even though Steve felt his muscles tightening in response, he's learned quickly enough on this trip that not all calls for help were for him. Without the stupid costume, no one cared if he was willing and able to help. They just knew that he was an unknown entity that had no part in their training.

"You're always in the right place at the right time, aren't you?" Her eyes came up to meet his, sparkling with mirth and awe. "And here I thought it was just coincidence that I ran into you but you were here to help someone else. You're amazing."

"Amazing? Not really. I just stopped by for some coffee." The paper cup in his hand was his evidence and he held it up for her inspection.

She leaned in to read the scrawl that gave his order. "Soy? Really? I would have pegged you for a Two Percent sort of man. Steve. I still can't get over that you have a normal name. Wow. I can't believe that you're here. Things like this don't happen to me. I don't have that sort of life."

Life is like that sometimes. It's messy and harsh and wonderful. Bruce's words floated around in his mind, pinging off responses that he'd long since thought dead along with his life. The sirens had quieted but there was still something in the air, an unease that he couldn't help but go check out.

"I'm going to go check out what the problem is and then-" Ask nicely, his mother's words overrode everything else in his brain at the moment. "If it isn't too much trouble, would you like to enjoy a cup of coffee with me?"

It hadn't seemed possible a moment ago but her eyes widened even further than they had been before. After stammering for a few seconds, she finally seemed to find her words. "I'd like that."

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

5_prompts, writerverse, caffeinated, avengers, 2012

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