FIC: Set Your Priorities

Apr 12, 2012 22:06

satedan_grabass is live so I can stop giggling behind my hands every time rubygirl29 mentions it. I wrote her this story:

Title: Set Your Priorities
The prompts used: Friendship, h/c, family background, intimacy (slash) - I tried to fit a little of everything in there just because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to concentrate on
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5400
Warnings: language
Summary: Atlantis is back on Earth and John is focusing on all the wrong things. He needs a wake up call to get him back on track to what is really important.

At AO3

It's literally been done for like ten minutes. I was having a hard time finding an ending because it kept going on tangents and I would have to reign it in again. Once again, my muse was wanting to put it over the 10k mark but I was wise and kept it from going in that direction.

Now I'm on to find the ending for the cm_tropefic that also seems to be eluding me. Since I have a few more days to get that in, I figure I might let the muse wander about for a while to see if there's anywhere else it might want to go.

challenge, stargate, 2012

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