FIC: Power (SP)

Apr 07, 2012 16:35

Title: Power
Prompt: Curiosity & Moving Day
Bonus? Yes
Word Count: 590
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original - Streetlight People 'verse
Pairings (if any) none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: Cyril Ann moves to the Grantson Academy campus and discovers that she is not alone.

She hadn't meant to push. It was only supposed to be a touch so she could understand what it was that she was sensing. Somewhere on the campus of the school, there was another person like her.

Like who? Who are you?

Cyril Ann could answer that question well, having asked herself those questions hundreds of times. She was Lady Cyril Ann, only daughter of Commander and Mrs. Bray. Some thought she must be spoiled since she was the only daughter of an older couple but she was anything but. No one really knew that she was all but forgotten and that, even today on her glorious first day at Grantson Academy, her parents had no idea where she was or what she was doing. Nor did they care.

But what her parents cared about or didn't care about no longer mattered. Not anymore. What had started as a lark had become something more. Something that would make her life better than what it was. With what she gained, she would be able to raise up Xie so they could both live in luxury. Neither of them would ever have to rely on what fate brought their way each day as they scavenged the streets. She didn't want a life that was dependent on the strength of her will as well as her fists.

As much as she loved Xie and the family of street toughs she'd made into her family, the excitement of maybe getting to meet someone more like her got her feet moving when all she wanted to do was stay in bed. Her chest still ached from the coughing the current flow of magic had induced and her shoes were still wet from walking through the puddles to get to the campus property. Moving all her things hadn't taken long but she'd used more magic than she should have to get them all in one go instead of having to make trips. Xie and Lec had offered to help her but she didn't want them seen on campus in the middle of the day and it would have looked odd to be moving after dark.

She looked through her reflection in the window as she searched the bit of campus that lay below. Her eyes were glowing from the effort to keep the connection with the magic, the crackling of her own energy loud in her ears. Instinctively, she reached out to trace the outline of her own reflection. If she was here and the power was coming from somewhere outside the room (to the north, she thought), it was real. She wasn't just making this all up.

Just as she touched the glass where her eyes were reflected, a shot of over-charged energy ricocheted up her arm, leaching into her heart so that it stuttered for a scary moment. With wide eyes, she stared at the tip of her finger where a black welt was forming. Had she caused her power to bounce back from her reflection?

Or... and this thought scared her... had the person whose energy she'd discovered not liked the fact that she'd kept pestering at them? Had they decided to make her back off with a show of their own power? As she stuck the offended digit in her mouth to sooth the ache, Cyril Ann decided to keep her power to herself for awhile. Whoever was out there that might be like her clearly didn't want to be found. She could understand that. Most of the time, she didn't want to be found, either.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, challenge, writerverse, original, 2012

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