FIC: Not So Stranded (SGA/SGU)

Mar 24, 2012 00:28

Title: Not So Stranded
Fandom: SGA/SGU
Characters: Ronon, John, Eli
Prompts: TENTACLES for dark_bingo, feature two characters from Stargate shows that have never met in canon for Two Roads challenge at stargateland
Word Count: 788
Rating: PG-13

Ronon wasn't sure what he was expecting when he boarded the ship. They'd been cautioned that the Destiny was almost nothing more than a funeral pyre floating in space, all of them given the opportunity to step away from the duty. John gave a speech about needing to bring their people home because it was the right thing to do, inspiring the Marines to follow him through the gate. All those words had been useless to Ronon. He went because John did, end of story.

He hadn't been expecting the quiet. It was unnerving how little sound there was once they got on board the ship. It had landed, quite gracefully for a ship of this bulk, on a planet that was within reach of the Atlantis gate. The radio signal that had alerted them to the position appeared to be nothing more than a distress signal. No life signs appeared on their scan although a strange little round object seemed to follow the MALP along like it had found a new best friend.

The Marines began murmuring as their equipment began to act strangely. Even Ronon's gun burned white hot in his hand so that he was forced to holster it or face the consequences. John's screen went wonky (which Ronon still didn't understand except that it meant that everything was just wrong) and banging it severely doesn't seem to be helping.

Beware, all who enter.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks as the hiss of electronic sound wrapped around them from all sides. Whatever it was, it wasn't something that could be shot at which had Ronon looking over his shoulder with the first fear he'd felt in a long time. At least, with the Wraith, they made a lot of sound even when they were trying to be sneaking so it was possible to track them. This was wrong on so many levels.

"Look sharp, men. I think the MALP didn't catch everything it was supposed to." Even John sounded concerned, even though he muffled the panic well enough that the others probably couldn't tell just how freaked out he'd been by the electronic voice. Of course, Ronon was not the others and could read John like a book after all these years together. A couple more hits to the machine before he said, "Let's go this-"

He might have finished his sentence but Ronon didn't hear it. Instead, he found himself laying flat on his back, staring up at the dimmed lights of the corridor. When he felt something wrap around his wrists and ankles, he tried to do something about it but there was nothing there. At least to his eyes, there was nothing there. All his other senses were on high alert because it definitely felt like something was cutting off the circulation to his hands and feet.

I gave you fair warning.

This time, the static whispers felt like they were in his head. Try as he might, Ronon couldn't undo the invisible constraints. Struggling only made it worse. Only made the buzzing laughter feel like a vicious taunt. "Let me go," he ground out through clenched teeth.


The words, more real than anything he'd heard so far on the ship, were behind him so that all he had to do tilt his head up to see the speaker. A mere boy looked back at him. He didn't even look as old as some of the green Marines the IOA kept sending to Pegasus to toughen them up. On second glance, Ronon could see the lines that belied a harsh existence bracketing his features.

"I told her you were here to help but... well, you can't say that I warned you."


"Who am I? Or who is the her?" The boy grinned, his eyes suddenly alight with pleasure. "Oh, the fun of the English language. It's been so long since I've been able to play with words. Ginn always talks so precisely now that she's mostly computer. Ginn is the her. I am the Eli."

There was something definitely not right about this boy. From what John had told him, the Destiny had been traveling for too long for it to be possible for anyone to be alive. Now, he wondered if that should be changed to for anyone to be sane because there was no sanity in the eyes gazing at him.

Heat or no heat, Ronon was tired of playing this game. With one last burst of strength, he was able to get the invisible tentacles to give him enough leeway so that he could reach his blaster. He wasn't sure if it was set to stun or to kill. At this point, he didn't think it mattered.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

graph fic, challenge, crossover, stargate, 2012

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