FIC: A Closet of Beauty (LOK) & Almost...But Not Quite (SGA)

Mar 16, 2012 23:24

Title: A Closet of Beauty
Prompt: Silver Lining
Word Count: 283
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original - Love Only Knows 'verse
Pairings (if any) none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: Phillipa knows it's not a date but she has nothing to wear and butterflies in her stomach.

"Nothing is suitable for an afternoon out that doesn't center around tea and cakes," Phillipa mutters as she pulls out yet another gauzy shirt. Her mother's influence, of course. There is absolutely nothing in this closet that is practical because Phill is not meant to be a practical girl. She is a Hartsel. That is supposed to mean something more than the prison sentence that it's becoming.

The bed is covered with sequins that catch the light or opalescent fabric that shimmers with every breath. It's becoming a mountain of beauty. A single flame conjured up could make it all disappear but Phill isn't so sure she'd stop herself with a single pile of clothing if she started. With the way she's feeling toward her parents at the moment, she could very well let the whole mansion burn.

It would serve them right but it will severely hinder her ability to meet Gavin and Kent on time. She is willing to move heaven and earth to get to that meeting, the only silver lining in this whole ordeal. Even though she doubts that Kent actually knows about the fact that Gavin invited her, she doesn't care. These types of excursions will soon be a thing of the past when her father gets his way and marries her off. If she was a different sort of person, she might be able to fight it but she's long since given up trying to find her inner hero.

And she's also going to have to give up the idea that she has anything even remotely resembling informal wear. With any luck, her riding outfit will do the trick. If not... well, that is the least of her problems.

Title: Almost... But Not Quite
Prompt: Deep and Dark
Word Count: 304
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairings (if any) Evan/Amelia
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): Mortal Danger (with appropriate capitals, of course)
Summary: Amelia and Evan finally go on a third date.

"I had great hopes for this third date." Amelia sighed, settling back against the damp wall to make room for Evan. Her hands were cramped into claws from clutching at the jagged rocks they'd used to climb up to this tiny ledge. Even as painful as her hands were at the moment, she accepted that it was better than the alternative. A deep, dark alternative with no bottom that they could perceive.

As Evan settled in beside her, stretching his hands out the same as she was, he only smiled. She was learning his smiles, though. Since they never counted meals eaten together in the Mess Hall or movie nights with the rest of the Marines as dates, she'd had a lot of time to get to know the many expressions of Major Evan Lorne. This was one of his I have something sarcastic to say but I'm not sure how you'll take it smiles.

She nudged him with her shoulder. "Go ahead. You can say it. You weren't expecting this happening, either."

"Actually," he said before he paused, his smile getting wider.


"I was wishing for some place with dim lighting so that I could do this." He leaned over, his lips warm on hers. While Amelia wanted to reach out and pull him closer, she didn't think she could get her arms to cooperate.

As his lips moved down to nip at her jaw, she couldn't stop her sigh. "I guess I'm truly a part of Atlantis now."

"In what way?" he murmured as he moved down to the skin just above the collar of her shirt.

"I'm making out with my boyfriend while in mortal danger. It's almost like I'm on a gate team."

His chuckle against her warm skin sent tiny shockwaves down her spine. "Almost. Not quite... but close."

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

challenge, writerverse, original, stargate, 2012

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