Fic: Finding (part 4)

Feb 23, 2012 20:52

Title:Finding (part 4)
Prompt: Emerald
Word Count: 357
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original - Streetlight People 'verse
Pairings (if any): pre-Lec/Aja
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: Aja has a job to do and Lec gets in the way.

Aja left Lec to make friends with the instrument so she could put the water kettle on the heating element. If she was lucky, it would heat up before he was done drinking his water. This time of year, it wasn't always so dependable. Too much moisture in the air, Xie told her whenever he came over to fix it. The boiler never seemed to produce enough hot water, either. She was just lucky to have a roof that didn't leak when it rained or windows that didn't rattle too much when it was windy.

"Would you prefer your water to be cold or room temperature?"

When he didn't answer right away, she held her breath. There was another heartbeat in the room so she wasn't alone. He hadn't run from the room, scared about the little blind girl heating water. It had concerned some of her other minders that she cooked for herself. The burns on her hands were just a way of learning as she went. They were confirmation that she was still alive, no matter that one of her senses was being leached away.


"Ah... sorry. I was... it's beautiful."

"I found an emerald for a man that owned it before me. He was so thankful that he offered me this little beauty." She sank down in front of his chair so that she could stroke the side of the instrument, as she often did when she was feeling sorry for herself. They were friends, her and her guv. "Do you want to play him?"

"No." If she hadn't been holding on to the cello, it would have crashed to the ground as he flung it away. When he realized what he'd done, Lec pulled it back into place. "No," he answered much quieter and without such force. "I might do him harm."

Aja shook her head, moving one of her hands to settle on his leg. "He's been through a lot and hasn't been injured yet."

"Aja," he growled.

She pulled her hand back. "Do you want your water to be cold or room temperature?" she asked as if nothing else had happened.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, challenge, writerverse, original, 2012

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