Fic: Walk With Pride & Come Out Ahead

Jan 27, 2012 00:26

I should be in bed but I wanted to finish this AND the fic I was reading! Guess that the loser here is sleep!

I decided to play around with some new characters for this writerverse challenge. It's an idea that's been niggling at me but I don't know where it'll go. Right now, these two stories are what I know of it.

Title: Walk with Pride
Word Count: 524
Rating: R
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): language, lewd suggestions
Summary: Tevan has to take his punishment for the wrongs he so clearly committed.

Come To Gawk trope

"Don't you dare pity me," Tevan growled as he tried not to look any of his friends in the eye. They weren't having any difficulty in not looking at him straight on, seeing as two of them were huddled together, holding each other up as they struggled to stop laughing. The third member of the group, Rika, was out of his eyesight so he couldn't see what she was doing. He could only hope that she wasn't getting an eyeful.

The whole situation was making him squirm. Fifteen more minutes and he was free to go. Free to put his clothes back on and walk away without looking back. Too bad they didn't seem to understand him well enough to know that he was never going to forget this insult. It shouldn't have mattered that he crossed an imaginary line that no one really cared about any longer. Stupid secret that everyone knew about.

"Time's up, idiot." Rough hands began undoing the ropes that were holding him up. Tevan kept his mouth shut but it was only because he didn't want to put up with the disgrace of a beating after an afternoon hanging from the front walk of Gaffan Hall. When his feet hit the cobbled stones, he realized that he wasn't going to be able to stand without assistance. As soon as they let go of him, he was going to pitch forward. Perfect.

"Don't even think about it. I see that look in your eyes. Don't think I don't." Rika was suddenly in front of him, her face set in a severe frown and her words unusually loud. He tried to reason out what it was exactly that she saw because he certainly wasn't looking to cause any more trouble. "Ki. Stere. Come get him before he does something stupid. I'm done waiting around for him to finish freezing his balls off."

His friends, no longer laughing, grabbed on to him as the Gaffa Te goons let go. It was a close thing, the ground looming at him much faster than he felt comfortable seeing it. As they began dragging him along, a hand reached up to settle a cloak in place. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Rika turning away.

"Thank you," he called out quietly, finding it was much easier to let go of a little more pride seeing as how most of it had been destroyed today.

Her eyes met his but her cheeks were stained pink. "I didn't do it for you."

"You didn't?"

"No." She shook her head so hard that one of her spiked tails came loose, spilling deep mahogany hair down across her cheek. "I did it for me. It would be a pity if you really did freeze your balls, seeing how they're rather nice."

The boost to his ego was enough that he didn't mind being man-handled through the front doors of Juta Hall, the entire house out to welcome home the idiot who dared walk through Guardian Tull's rose garden. No one seemed to mind that he was naked and, for the first time all day, Tevan didn't mind so much either.

Title: Come Out Ahead
Word Count: 667
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary:Kilce gets a little in over her head.
Read Em and Weep Trope

Twelve points later, I'm looking at a very good possibility that I'm going to win this game. I can hear some of the girls in the corner whispering about beginners luck and it might be that but I have a good memory for numbers so I'm not too surprised.

Neither is Hilla. She's been glaring at me for the past fifteen minutes, obviously trying to read my face for any sign that I'm cheating. I'm fairly certain what I'm doing isn't cheating but no one took the time to tell me what I couldn't do so I feel somewhat vindicated for figuring it out on my own. They knew I was smart when they invited me to this little game of theirs.

The next round goes in my favor and the next one after that. It's clear I'm going to win. I've tripped up a couple of times but I can already feel the weight of the money in my pocket. The first thing I'm going to buy is a new Reader because mine is crap after fifteen minutes. Not a used one, even. A new one. The kind with the matte black along the back and a red outline around the screen. I've seen one like that in magazines but never thought I'd own one.

Maybe if I can keep winning at this game, I can afford a lot more. New clothes that are designed to fit me and not my older brothers. That would be nice seeing as I have curves and they don't. A good haircut. Some lotion for my scaly elbows that are too embarrassing to ever show. A part of me wonders, for a fleeting second, if I could ever look like the girls here. They have fluffy hair and low-cut shirts that cling in a way none of my clothes ever have. I disregard the notion as soon as I've thought it, though. I'm not the sort of girl that can pull that sort of thing off.

The final winnings are being swept across the table toward me when the door is flung open. "Hold it right there. No one move."

I smirk up at Hilla, thinking this is one of her jokes but her eyes are full of fear. If this is a joke, she's gotten to be a better actress because there is real tension and fear radiating from her.

A thick hand wraps around my upper arm. "Your ID." When I think about rebuffing him with a No please?, he tightens his hold until I'm uncomfortably aware that he could break my arm into two pieces if he wanted to. Instead, I pull the chain out of my shirt so that the metal circle with my thumbprint is visible. He scans it with his Factor, waiting for the beep before he lets me go. This same procedure happens at least ten more times until everyone in the room that is not clothed in the severe black and red of the Honor Guard has been checked.

"You're free to go."

And, just like that, the nightmare is over. We file out of the room, scared and jittery with pent-up nerves as if we've escaped something bigger than we realize, when I remember my winnings. They're still piled up on the table, waiting to be scooped into my pockets. Two guard bar my way. "There's nothing here for you. On your way."

"But that's-" I get a backhand across my face for my troubles. As I taste the warm iron of my blood, I realize that I'm going to have to give up on the dream of ever having a pocketful of money. At least for now. With a smirk at the guard that stretches the wound on my lip, I turn back around. This time, I put my hands deep into my pocket and begin to whistle. They have my money but I still have my pride. There will be plenty of chances to see if sophomore luck is better than beginners, after all.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, writerverse, original, 2012

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