Fic: Add One (SGA)

Jan 12, 2012 12:00

Title: Add One
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Chuck, Amelia
Word Count: 736
Prompt: new at stargateland
Summary: Chuck contemplates the newest arrival to the city.

The only thing that Chuck hated more than the Daedalus leaving Atlantis for the trip back to Earth was the moment it docked. While he was always pleasant to each and every person that stepped off the ship, he had a hard time dealing with the fact that those new people meant that some more of his friends were leaving the city, some of them for good.

Atlantis was Chuck's home. He had been gung ho about the expedition from the moment he heard about it. The idea of getting to live in a completely different galaxy was something that appealed to him. The further he could run from what he liked to think about his old life, the better. Here was a place he could interact with people who respected his knowledge and talents. In the few years he'd lived here, he'd already made more friends than he had the entire first twenty five years of his life.

No one here, not even the Marines, had ever treated him poorly but still, Chuck was tense until the introductory period was over. It was like he was waiting for someone to make a crack about his ability to move a hockey puck around the ice or to make fun of the way he couldn't say multiplication correctly. It was a hard word for a ten year old to say. He'd gone into the military to make his father happy but it had turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to him. When he stepped through the iris for the very first time, Chuck knew he would never voluntarily leave Atlantis. When he'd been forced back to Earth after the Ancients had taken over the city, it had felt like a dream. No, a nightmare.

Now that he was back, he was never leaving again. They would have to pry his dead body from his chair. He just wished that other people felt the same. It was one thing to have to mourn a friend lost in battle with the environment or the enemies that seemed plentiful here, quite another to have to say goodbye because the person decided they didn't like being so cut off from Earth. He was getting tired of having to make new friends every time the Daedalus the docked.

Until the day that Amelia came wandering into the gate room. He'd seen her from a distance but he'd been off duty when this new group arrived and hadn't been in charge of giving the This is our Stargate - Don't ever touch it speech. The gate crew had been down a person for the last eighteen months but they'd made it work, seeing as no replacements seemed to be available.

"Can I help you?" he asked politely, subtly looking for any indication that she should be here.

"No, but I can help you." She held out her hand. "Amelia Banks. You must be Chuck."

He took her proffered hand only because he couldn't help his politeness. "I don't-"

"Oh, good. You found your way back, Amelia." Woolsey walked into the room, his arms full of folders. His smile was distracted but that was pretty typical of the new Commander of Atlantis. "Chance, this is your new teammate. I hope you'll make her feel comfortable."

"It's Chuck, sir," but it was ridiculous to try as Woolsey was already walking back out of the room again. At least the man had gotten the first two letters of his name right this time around. It was an improvement over what he'd been calling him.

Amelia's expression was much more sympathetic. "I was a last minute addition. Sorry they didn't tell you about me. I've got the paperwork back in my room. How about we meet for lunch and we'll start this conversation all over again."

"Sure." He stumbled over the word but only because he hadn't expected such a beautiful woman to give him the time of day. Even one that he'd be working with. "That's be nice."

Her smile was brilliant. "Good. I'll see you in," she consulted her watch, "two hours. I think I'll continue my investigation of my new home."

The way she said home gave him hope that this wasn't anyone that would get tired of Atlantis any time soon. For the first time in months, Chuck found himself smiling with delight.
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