Lunch Fic - Monday

Jul 11, 2011 14:31

Title: All You've Got is Faith Because You've Lost Your Hope (Part 1)
Fandom: Original (On a Midnight Star - although that's not the for sure title but it sounds pretty to me at the moment)
Characters: Loah, Adi
Word Count: 714
Summary: Thought I'd take this world for a spin today.

The outside of the bakery was nothing special. There was a simple sign above the door, Milford Baking, but no windows at street level. He could smell flour and yeast and something sweet that told him there must be sweets here as well. Nothing about the place proclaimed it as a destination to any of the people bustling along the street. It wasn't the right time for shopping for bakery items, he realized, but he still felt as if he'd be intruding if he opened the door, as if he was walking into a private residence instead of a shop.

For a moment, he considered coming back in the morning. He'd tell Cam that he couldn't find it. The need wasn't urgent, after all. Cam had said his services were no longer needed, the little girl having already fled back to where she'd come from. Still, it had all sounded too fantastic to be real. He wanted to be able to go back to his brother with a sneer on his face over his sudden need to make up stories about mute children and beautiful bakerwomen.

His mind was made up for him as he heard the shrill whistle proclaiming the presence of the Master Medic. The last thing he needed to do was come face to face with Gerard yet again. Their last meeting still left a sour taste in his mouth. He hurriedly opened the door, closing it with his whole body to make sure that it wouldn't come unlatched at just the wrong moment.

Sunlight filtered into the large room through windows high up. In his first perusal of the outside of the shop, Loah hadn't noticed those high windows. There was no need for any of the cheaper candles to be lit like there was in other shops so that there was no other odor to compete with the smell of freshly baked bread. Loah's mouth began to water as he took another deep breath. If it had smelled good outside the shop, it smelled even better inside.

Row after row of treats met his eye behind a rough wooden counter. Everything was clean although none of it was new or even of a high quality. Not that he would have expected high quality in this neighborhood. His time at the Hospital was starting to give him airs, he realized, always expecting everything to be bright and shiny and little-used.

Movement at the side of the room brought him out of his daydreams about how he'd like to buy a whole loaf and eat it standing right in the middle of the room. He took her appearance in bit by bit. An extended arm. Flour covered dress in a muted shade of blue that looked as if it had been washed and mended more than the fabric could handle. Light-colored hair trying hard to defy the band that kept it back and out of the way. Freckles scattered around pale cheeks. Mouth turned up in a false smile, as if she would have rather been left alone. Eyes the color of the cocoa beans he and his brother had spent summers harvesting for much needed money for clothes and supplies.

"Can I help you?"

Loah realized that wasn't the only time she'd asked that question and her words were more clipped than helpful. He wasn't making the best of first impressions. Even worse, he blurted out the first words that came to him. "You are beautiful."

"Was there some discussion about my looks that I missed recently? Or perhaps you want Mabel who works the pub at the next crossroads? I've got dough that needs kneading."

And just like that, he was decided. She wasn't kicking him out of the shop so easily. He wasn't leaving without a fight. Rolling up first his right sleeve and then his left, he looked around. "If you'll show me where your sink is, I'll wash up."

"I'm not hiring." She stepped back behind the area of the counter that was higher than the rest, probably ready to grab for something if she needed to defend herself.

"I'm not asking for work. Well, not really. I'm just here to pay off a debt." Her face creased and before she could ask her question, he said, "I'm Cam's brother."
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