Whoosh! It's done with twenty minutes to spare!

Mar 27, 2011 19:37

My Continuation story, created for stargateland.

Stargate Atlantis 2040
SGA2040 is a continuation of the Stargate Atlantis series, set approximately 42 years in the future. After helping the Earth defend itself against the Wraith attacks, it was decided that the city would be allowed to go back to the Pegasus galaxy but that the stargate would be fixed so that Earth would not be able to be dialed quite so easily. Now the only contact the city has with Earth is the "mail run" the Daedalus and the Apollo make every month. This hasn't stopped the city from being inhabited by a motley collection of people from Earth and other various planets.

Lt Col Zane "Zee" Alford:

Zee is the head of security for the city of Atlantis and the leader of SGA-1. He's been stationed at the city for nearly 7 years and would like to live there permanently when his career with the military is done. While he's pretty tight-lipped about his family, it is known that he has no one back on Earth that he visits on the few chances he's had to return. In a perfect world, Zee feels he could be a military leader as well as follow his heart's desire. Unfortunately, there are regulations that are prohibiting that perfect world and the desire of his heart doesn't appear to feel the same for him. All he can do it take it one day at a time and hope that he'll eventually find some type of peace with this situation.

Captain Sylvie Dunne:

Sylvie is the new girl on Atlantis so most of the show is shown through her eyes. She has connections to the city that she never knew she did; her older brother and Cash were friends while at the university. When she comes to Atlantis, she's not exactly sure why she was chosen but she finds that maybe the people who wanted her there knew her better than she knew herself. The city itself opens up for her and she discovers what it truly means to be home.

Nethos Rarden:

Nethos started his life as a Traveler but discovered that he didn't want to spend his entire life in space. By being on a gate team, he can still travel around, seeing new places and new people. It's been hard to be away from his family but Nethos likes the way his life is now and wouldn't change it for anything. He's been on Zee's team for several years now and was close to Gir'ada, the woman who was recently killed while the team was on P4G-114. While the team has been grounded, he's been trying to fill up his time with different projects so that he can keep his thoughts off of Gir but it's been trouble than he realized to forget her.

Dr. Renatta Colburn:

Renatta is a brilliant scientist but she's not so brilliant when it comes to every day life. At first, the IOA didn't want to let her make the trip to Atlantis but several key people (including Dr. Pickford) demanded that she be allowed on the science team. Her being on the city has proven to be both a blessing and a curse as she has been able to deflect disaster at least four times but she has difficulty dealing with tense situations. On her good days, when she's not curled up in the corner of the room counting the tile, she and Dr. Pickford make a formidable team in the fight to keep Atlantis safe.

Dr. Joshua Pickford:

In the laboratory, Joshua is like a kid in a candy store. There is no arrogance about his work, only a sense of "yes, more please" that has him hoping from one to another of his many projects. He was hand-picked by Radek Zalenka to take over the lab right before the man's death on M6T-744. He has been in love with Dr. Colburn since the first moment he laid eyes on her but doesn't have any idea how to tell her of his interest. There are various methods he's come up with to express his love in other ways and everyone but Renatta herself has realized his feelings. At the moment, Joshua is working on a new propulsion system for the second generation of puddle jumpers that the city has been trying to build.

Natives (those that were born on Atlantis or have chosen to make Atlantis their permanent home)
Tyler "Cash" Sheppard:

The biological son of John Sheppard and Laura Cadman (he was created by a race of people bent on learning the secrets of creation - it was only an ingenious feat of daring on John's part that he was freed from his captures only months after he was created) and brother to CL, Cash is on the science team and often goes on missions with SGA-1. Due to the spectacle that he often is among the people from Earth (John is considered to be something of a celebrity by many of the Air Force personnel), he prefers to stick with the few friends he has, including Joshua, Renatta and the SGA-1 team. He doesn't often go to the north section of the city to visit his family (John and Rodney have been together "for just about forever") due to the strained relations between he and John, but often visits Laura.

Dr. Tessa Caldwell:

Tessa wasn't aware of Atlantis until she finished medical school and was searching for a direction for her life. Her great-uncle, Steven Caldwell, told her a place that could use her talents while providing her with something that she could no longer have on Earth, a family. She is an only child and her parents were killed in a boating accident on the day she started her second year of college so her entire life began to rotate around her degree. Now she's discovering what it's like to have brothers to watch out of her and sisters to share secrets with. If Tessa never has to go back to Earth, she will be content here on Atlantis forever.

Torren Emmagan:

When John Sheppard retired and General Lorne took over as head of the SGC, the next best person to lead Atlantis was Torren Emmagan. He knows the needs of the city better than most and understands the delicate balance between the Ta'rui needs and those of the others in the galaxy. There are days that he misses getting to explore the different gate addresses with nothing but a gun in his hand and his comm link but there are certain advantages to having a life that runs on a schedule... or so he tells himself. His mother likes that his roaming days have come to an end but he's not so sure he is. Perhaps today will be the day he can figure out how to get back through the gate for just one more adventure.

Melena "Mira" Dex:

Mira is six years younger than her half-brother, Torren. As much as she loves him, she's already spent so much of her life with him keeping an close eye on her that she feels has no real freedom on Atlantis. With the new crop of personnel comes an unlikely ally in the attempt to take back her life and find a place where she can thrive. Sylvie takes the girl under her wing and shows her how much fun a little sister can really be. If, at the same time, Mira also discovers that she likes the idea of kissing a certain Captain, that's just another thing to make her brother crazy.

Anna Marie "CL" Cadman-Lorne:

For the first five years that she can remember, CL was a prisoner on P3M-713. This often meant she was experimented on but it was also was her only home for those formative years so she grew to think this was normal. This has proven to be a block in her relationship with her biological parents for many years. While she and Cash both are aging at a slower process than most of the Ta'rui, something was done to her genetic code that has slowed it down even further. Dr. Caldwell has been begging to do testing on her for years but it has only been recently that CL has allowed anyone to do any testing on her at all. Tessa suspects this is because of a recent upheaval in the growing relationship between Zee and CL but she's not about to say anything in case it means that CL backs out of the deal.

The Intro Story:
"Five miles down. Five miles back. Think you can beat me?"

Sylvie stared at the wide expanse of sand laid out in front of her. It looked like the sand she remembered running through when she was at Coronado. The Navy boys had all the good landscapes. Of course, now she had this beach, a million light years and a life time away from the beaches near San Diego. This sand wasn't a warm brown but slightly red as if it had gotten sunburned under the bright sun and the water was such a deep navy blue it was like looking into the night sky.

This was her first time, since stepping through the stargate under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, that she'd felt actual packed earth under her feet. That and the wicked smile of her commanding officer (whom she'd been told to call Zee but hadn't yet worked up the courage to call anything but "sir" yet) were making her feel like acting a little dangerous. She'd been told life on Atlantis was like nothing she'd experienced. High time she began to actually experienced it for herself.

"I know I can."

Before he could answer back, Sylvie took off at a dead run, not even bothering to pace herself. If she keeled over and lost her breakfast midway, that would be the price she paid for her recklessness. Right now, she wanted to feel like she could fly simply because she was somewhere that might actually be possible.


Renatta counted out six carrot sticks from the pile on the tray in front of her. She arranged them in two triangles that shared a point. Next she took two olives and placed one in the middle of each triangle. When she was satisfied that each was placed as perfectly as she could manage without the aid of computers and mechanized arms (both of which Joshua refused to let her bring the Mess Hall), she sat back and stared at her creation.

Each day she performed this ritual before eating and each day, she struggled to produce a different - perfect - outcome. It was a struggle to pick which angle she would ruin first. On her bad days, it took most of her allotted lunch hour to even eat one carrot stick. Even on her good days, she was stick in the dilemma for several minutes.

"How long as she been at it?" Cash asked as he sat his tray down next to Joshua's. He was careful not to bump the table for fear that the entire construct might jar and he'd be single-handedly responsible (again!) for sending the scientist to the Infirmary in hysterics.

"She just started." Joshua, the lead scientist in the computer lab and boss of both Renatta and Cash, was going through his own strange routines. The crust of his bread had been cut off and crumbled into a pile of fine grain in the corner of his tray. His napkin had been refolded into an exact octagon and situated under the plate in such a way that it would catch any stray crumbs so they could also be added to the bread pile.

"Just another lunch," Cash sighed. And he wouldn't change it for anything.
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