Crossover Fic: Rift, Not Ring

Oct 23, 2010 16:12

TITLE: Rift, Not Ring
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Stargate Atlantis/Angel crossover
Characters: SGA team (Sheppard, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon) & Angel Investigation Team (Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Fred, Gunn, Lorne)
GENRE: Crack/Crossover
PROMPT: crossover something with a Stargate show - at stargateland
SUMMARY: Ronon knows trouble when he sees it.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of either of these shows but I enjoy writing in them from time to time.

“I’m going to check over there.” Ronon waited just long enough for Sheppard to nod his head before he was crashing through the bush toward where he’d seen the lights flickering. No one else had noticed them so far be it for him to point them out. If it proved to be nothing, he could walk back and truthfully tell the group he hadn’t found anything.

As he got closer to where he figured the light had landed, he began to hear conversation. It was in English, remarkably like the kind that Sheppard and the other Tau’ri used. He stopped behind a tree so that he could see the intruders better.

“Where do you think the rift brought us this time?” The taller of the three men was looking around, his demeanor one of a warrior who was comfortable defending the rest of the team. “This still sort of looks like Pylea, if you ask me.”

Both of the women shuddered. One of them, her shoes highly inappropriate for trekking through the jungle, put her hands on her hips. “This better not be Pylea. If it is, so help me, I’ll make you pay, Angel.”

The warrior smiled. “I know you will, Cordy. Let’s just figure out where we are and where that rift is going to take us.”

Ronon decided this was definitely something he needed to bring the team in on. From what he could tell, these people were all unarmed. That was enough to make him feel uncomfortable walking up to them alone. Unarmed people usually had an agenda or were being chased after by someone with an agenda.

He made it back to his group before they’d decided on their next course of action. “There’s a rift open somewhere over there.” He pointed the way he’d come. “There’s some people there that look and sound like Tau’ri. I think we should check it out.”

Rodney gave him that look that said that he wasn’t following his thought pattern. “Didn’t you just check it out? Why do we need to go back where you’ve already been?”

“Rodney,” Sheppard cautioned, turning his attention on the Satedan. “What did the people look like?”

“There were six of them. One had green skin. I thought you said that everyone on Earth looked like you?”

“They do. No green-skinned people that I know of. Are you sure they’re from Earth?”

Ronon cleared his throat, trying to figure out what it was that had initially made him think they were Tau’ri. “Other than the green man, the others looked like Tau’ri. They had those smooth clothes that many of you wear when you’re not in your uniform. None of them are armed.”

That brought a snort of laughter from Teyla. “What are they doing on this planet without protection? Those Galligry will eat them alive if they don’t have anything to defend themselves with. We should go warn them, John. That way they can go back through the stargate and back to where they belong.”

Sheppard had that look on this face that said he was weighing the options. “Guess it couldn’t hurt to go after them. I doubt they’re from Earth. This ring doesn’t reach to Earth, remember?”

All Ronon could do was shake his head. It was Rodney who said what he was thinking. “Ronon said they came through a rift.” He drew out the last word as he started speculating on what exactly that could mean. “Not the ring. A rift. A rift from Earth. Do you know what that could mean?”

“I’m sure you’re going to tell us. But maybe we could talk about it as we head the way that Ronon came from. The sooner we find these people, the sooner we can figure out what’s going on.
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